MovieChat Forums > The Event (2010) Discussion > So what do you think The Event was?

So what do you think The Event was?

Since they never revealed it.... what's your theories?


The Event could be a couple of things: the actual event of first contact with aliens when they crash landed on Earth. That is my favourite idea of what the 'event' could be. Also it could refer to the fact that the President was going to reveal that there are aliens in the planet but it could also mean when the plane that was going to crash into the President and it was averted by the Sleepers that event lead to revelations within the administration about aliens and their incarceration, although not information available to the public. I love this show and really wish it had been given more of a chance. Besides I absolutely love Ian Anthony Dale.


From the Series creator:

"As Simon briefly hinted at, The Event is a synchronous species-wide reproductive event, a mystical evolutionary step that has been predicted in his people's sacred scrolls. Simon also made it clear to Sean that mankind would not survive it. So what does it all mean for our characters and for humanity in general? The planet's arrival - one of the foretold signs from the scrolls - confirms that The Event is more than a religious myth from an extra-terrestrial civilization. It is real - and it's coming."


THe show was a non-event. Like Surface, it was the tiniest bit of sci-fi and then family drama to run the clock until people just don't care what the freakin event is and stop watching.

These shows remind me of someone offering a ride to a hitcher and then driving off at the last minute, then stopping and apologizing and then doing it again. The viewers, like the hitcher, will eventually figure out their being strung along, and they lose interest.


It was real, because they were forcing it. The planet could have been put in orbit across from the Earth at the right lagrangian point and not offset our orbit at all, and just existed orbiting in our habitable zone while working on restoring thier planet, since our Sun is stable.


They didn't develop Earth's available technology well enough to do it until all those decades had passed. By that point, the planet had already been compromised too much so they still needed to move.


Maybe my memory is terrible, but I thought the "Event" happened in the last episode.

Will watch it again, but I watched it when it aired and although it was cancelled, we at least found out what the "Event" was.



the event was - fornication between the impotent president and the horrible sadist alien leader bitch.


Great way to kill a thread.


They did reveal it. It was the evolution of the aliens on Earth.
