
Now that Nancy Grace is a semi-regular, I've informed my wife that I'm going to FFW thru any scenes she's in. I can't imagine why they would cast this vile cretin on the show - they could have gotten anyone to play the role.
This woman is for inbred losers, only. Her role doesn't add to the show, or advance the storyline. It's just a 'boo-hiss' villain-y moment. And another attempt to get Grace to be seen by the mainstream - like DWTS (which I finally stopped watching when they cast Palin Jr)
I'm also not fond of the new prosecutor. When will he be discovered, tapping his foot under the stall of the little boy's bathroom??? But I guess the point of casting a creepy worm like that is to remind people what life under the Reptalibans is like.
This show is so David Kelly. Funny, thought provoking, ridiculous. It's no Good Wife (best drama on TV, in my opinion, if Justified isn't counted...), but good, reliable fun.
Not sure why they feel the need to pimp Grace!


They have no problem with making Grace look ridiculous, and she has no problem with getting her face in front of the camera on network TV in prime time. It's a win-win.
