Plot Hole

I really don't understand why he allowed himself to be blackmailed. So the girl wrote in her diary, it is normal for girls to get crushes on doctors and teachers, he never did anything wrong (from HER perspective) it wouldn't have contained anything but quotes he said and imagination of a teen girl, so why would he make things 100x worse by trying to cover something up?


That is not exactly a plot hole as it fits in perfectly with the establishment of his character. The doctor had already switched her medicine with sugar as well as stolen a picture of her from her house therefore trying to cover up the quotes from the diary fits with his character. Also hospitals are incredibly strict with that sort of thing so there would probably be an investigation which would damage his chances of getting further into his profession.


Actually it is a problem. While he did those things, the girl had NO CLUE, so she could NOT have written about them. It's such a huge hole, that several of us were yelling at the screen. The doctor would have to be mentally deficient to have even thought that the journal was a valid concern. It's laughable.

And that's not all. The girl is on the verge of sepsis and we never see her family again by her side or near the room when she went into cardiac arrest. Also, hospitals don't leave labs/materials unlocked (& special tamper-resisted lids are used), cameras are everywhere in hospitals, and new doctor's are never allowed to spend so much individual time with a particular patient as he did. There's even more, but I'm tired.

It's a hokey film full of holes. It's like something a new film student would write. Horrible writing and direction. Also, Bloom's acting was wooden. And that ending...pathetic.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


It's such a huge hole,

That's not a plot hole. None of what you described is a plot hole. That's an overused term. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't make it a plot hole.

While he did those things, the girl had NO CLUE, so she could NOT have written about them.

There's plenty she could have written about. The dinner invite. Going over to her home a second time. The longing stares and looks. All the time spent together.

He didn't know what if any of that would get out, and if it would lead to a much more thorough investigation into her death.

Can't stop the signal.


I completely agree with lulupalooza. Ye gods, what he got away with, yet worried about?!?! He did go after that diary as though it may have explicitly described sexual trysts that never occurred, and the girl's character was not written at all in a way to lead us to believe she was so childish and delusional as to have written such things. It should have been, if we were supposed to be concerned about its contents. They did show him reading it later; frustrating that we were given no insight as to its contents - were we? I admit I'd stopped following very closely at that point. He certainly didn't look alarmed as he read, so I agree that his continuing to go along with the blackmail - especially since he had to figure that Jimmy had read it, as well, was stupid. Maybe we were meant to think that he read much more into her innocent writings than was there, due to his obsession with her.

I had an app't with my doc a couple of days after watching this, during which we, having known each other for years, chatted. I ran aspects (as mentioned here) of this movie past him, such as this guy's free access to painkillers and time spent alone with the girl, and had him LOL'g.

After having fairly major (?) surgery - meaning I was just "on the floor," not being monitored for septic shock as was Diane - I had nurses, nurses' aides, techs and med students taking my bp and temp, checking my IVs, drawing blood, you name it, at least every 60 minutes in the first two days. Doctors, I don't recall seeing more than twice a day, and they just came in to get updates from the people who were actually TAKING CARE OF ME!! I didn't exist to them.

Yeah, where *was* her family?? And what the hell was The Invisible Man doing with her IV bags, anyway? Was that ever explained?
