Foul play?

Am I supposed to think weiss was murdered? Why was he being followed in his last scene!?


Yeah it was good to until that last part. This wasn't a movie that needed an ambiguous ending, although I think the full tries to make it clear foul play was invoked. Could have been handled much better storewide though.


Yerp ... the filmmakers probably knew if they made murder too obvious, it'd weaken the credibility of their story. But they probably believed Weiss WAS in fact murdered, and there's a lot of circumstantial evidence to at least support that interpretation in a fictionalized drama.

Maybe they thought those elements honored the memory of the real Weiss somehow


Given the corruption, having someone Jeffrey Epstein themselves doesn't seem out of the question.

Probably his partner was onboard with the idea to give his friend a little bit of extra dignity at the end.
