MovieChat Forums > Windfall (2010) Discussion > the story of big business

the story of big business

This film looks interesting, and appears to be the story of a company that exploits people — a story that is fairly old, somewhat universal, and led to the birth of unions, and has more recently lead to much of what the United States is now experiencing in its perceived decline. When corporations escape oversight and regulation, they act in the best interests of nobody but themselves. Sometimes they can be a force for good, but this depends on having management that isn't simply greedy and antisocial — qualities rare in those who come up through business school learning that profits are more important than people, and competition is more important than cooperation.

I'm afraid this broader message might be overlooked by much of the media (owned, as it is, by corporations) and the more specific detail might instead be seized upon: a greedy, antisocial windfarm company.

it might easily fall into the trap of playing into the hands of those who imagine climate change (and the push for cleaner, cheaper, more efficient energy) is all just a "hoax", socialist plot, or whatever these cynical conspiracy theorists are calling it these days.

That this sort of exploitation by big business has happened with many, many industries (look at Detroit, for starters) might be glossed over in favor of finding a more timely, sensational villain within the green energy sector. The message that we should be more involved, more regulatory, more watchful might be ignored in favor of the unintended simpler message (we should turn away from green energy) that's already being pushed by oil and coal companies, the politicians they own, and their friends in the media.

Let's have more clean, cheap and renewable energy, but let's have it installed responsibly. Let's have an energy sector that works for the best interests of those it serves — we, the customers. Let's not retreat into the ways of 19th century oil barons and pollution.



That this sort of exploitation by big business has happened with many, many industries (look at Detroit, for starters)

Detroit was a great manufacturing center until the Unions and Democrats ran it into the ground.

BOHICA America!
