Liberal propaganda

I'm just kidding. I'm not retarded ^_^

I have to return some videotapes.


What I find inexplicable is how this issue has become politicised. It should be a bipartisan no brainer to see the evidence and act on it. Boy are we a dumb species or what?!


I'm another one who doesn't understand why this has become a political issue. Seems like it's strictly a scientific issue to me.

I'm showing this to my movie group Friday and it will be quite interesting to see what the others think.

Old age isn't for sissies--Bette Davis


LOL commies


Sad, isn't it? I guess they're young but to fall for such blatant propaganda shows how gullible years of state education can make a populace.


I'm another one who doesn't understand why this has become a political issue.

I heard a rumour that there are people making a few bucks here and there in the oil industry.


I think the ice loss is CGI to slant opinions. Jk. But great docu! My fav one of 2013 so far


Hey Snoop, did you ever get those videotapes returned?
