
My best friend has been pushing this movie on me for a while now, so I decided to watch it yesterday. I was expecting it to be the same as it was for High School Musical [I avoided it for so long and then I realize, "Oh, this is good!"]; but it wasn't.

It had too many unanswered questions [ex: What the heck happened when Sarah got into Chris Wilde's house and his best friend found her there?] - It was too easy for some things [ex: Alexis didn't mind that Chris was crushing on another girl] - And Jessica, one of the main characters, wasn't very likable.

I mean, that's how it's supposed to be, right? You have to like the main characters so when something bad happens to them, you feel sorry for them. I hated Jessica. She was so annoying and there were points when I just wanted to scream, "Give the guy a break! For some reason he likes you, so just go with it!"

Also, I was almost expecting a fight to go on between Sarah and Jessica at the fact that Jessica met Chris and didn't tell Sarah. I mean, the girl's obsessed with him; wouldn't she care just a little? Plus, it didn't really help that I didn't care for any of the music in this movie.

Usually I like Disney Channel Original Movies. They're cheesy and sometimes lame, but I like them [ie: High School Musical, Camp Rock, Princess Protection Program]. But, I know for a fact I wouldn't watch this again.

Are you watching closely?


I disagree i really liked this movie it was one of my fave DCOM's and i think the songs are really good, they're so catchy especially Starstruck.
