MovieChat Forums > Luck (2012) Discussion > How come nobody gives a **** about frogs...

How come nobody gives a **** about frogs?

It's being called "the greatest mass extinction since the dinosaurs", and that's not hyperbole. 170 species have become extinct in the last 10 years, due to many reasons including a mysterious virus. There's a very real danger that amphibians could disappear forever from the earth, yet many are unaware of the crisis. I guess massive die offs and extinction of species is small potatoes compared to 3 horse accidents.


You can't ride a frog, jerk.

"What that scamp Tom up to now?"


Yeah, but they taste good.


Humans can't ride them but other frogs can, sometimes for 12 hours straight without incident. I've got some in training right now.


I do care about frogs, as I care about all animals. However, the frog issue is wholly irrelevant to the equine deaths on this show...which I actually somewhat enjoyed, thanks mainly to the fine cast (and I'm a fan of Dustin Hoffman and Richard Kind.) Alas, it looks as if the quick cancellation may have been the right move...not only because of the tragic losses of animals clearly central to the show's concept, but also because the series simply doesn't seem to have been all that well received. I have to say that I was very surprised by the sad and unfortunate horse news, though not shocked at the show's early cancellation. Actually, I'd predicted that, and suspect that this horse problem isn't the only reason it happened.

I like you, Um. I like largeness...


You're making it into a joke, and since there's no TV show hastening the extinction of frog species, it's not even a GOOD joke.

"If you don't fix these million other things that are wrong, you can't do anything about this particular thing!"

The stupidest argument ever made.


You are right about the frogs, and many other species that are headed for extinction, bees included in this country. What about the 300 elephants that were killed by Asians for their tusks which are valuable in Asia and no one tried to stop them, even on a wildlife refuge,

I donate money to the Wildlife Fund to help them stop this kind of atrocity and all of you can donate a small amount each month to whatever cause you believe in. I also like the UN Children's relief fund and donate a small amount to them and some to humane society. Although needing money for food myself, it's a small amount to give and means a meal or an advocate to stop the destruction on this planet. It means one less DVD a month maybe, but where are your priorities? how many Ipads or expensive Iphones or computers do you need. I also pay $5 a month for a life ins policy with the donations going to UNHCR when I will be 50k for them. My daughter doesn't need everything I have worked for. Too many trust fund babies running around now. I had to work for what I got and so do you so do something to help the world now.

Do your part and volunteer if you can't afford to donate, but do something, it will be your world soon and we won't be here to help you with it.

Too tired to post anymore, soo bon nuit.

"Sometimes you have to know when to put a cork in it."


I give to wildlife causes. I gave NOTHING to cancel Luck. Nobody asked me to give anything. I would not have given any money or time to renew or cancel a TV show, because only morons do that.

HBO got a letter from PETA, and said "Hey, here's our excuse to cancel this bomb of a show we're stuck with!" and this did not have any impact of any kind on the very noble efforts being made to save endangered species, which in case you didn't know, there are other people saying "Well why are you doing that, do you love animals more than people?"

Depends on the person. I'd sure as hell save any animal's life in favor of anybody posting on this thread.


I don't think for one minute that HBO wouldn't have continued if word had not gotten out about the horses' deaths. They were already invested in the show's second season and in the past had made mistakes by cancelling too soon and not letting an audience develop, which is what happened with "Rome" and they regretted it.

The bad publicity and outcry over the horses put a death stamp on this show, imo. The ratings weren't that low yet...still at 1.1 mil and they hoped word of mouth would help it out as it did with Rome.

The rest of what you said, I just don't understand very well...sorry.

"Sometimes you have to know when to put a cork in it."



How come nobody give a #### about a rat's ass?
