Who Can AD Be?

1. Spencer Hastings
2. Hanna Marin
3. Aria Montgomery
4. Emily Fields

1. Toby Cavanaugh
2. Caleb Rivers
3. Ezra Fitz
4. Alison DiLaurentis

1. Veronica Hastings/ Mary Drake
2. Ashley Marin
3. Ella Montgomery
4. Pam Fields

1. Peter Hastings
2. Tom Marin
3. Byron Montgomery
4. Wayne Fields

1. Melissa Hastings
2. Kate Randall
3. Mike Montgomery
4. Jason DiLaurentis

1. Mona Vanderwaal
2. Jenna Marshall
3. Paige McCullers
4. Jessica DiLaurentis
5. Lucas Gottesman
6. Noel Kahn
7. Darren Wilden
8. Garrett Reynolds
9. Wren Kingston
10. Maya St. Germain
11. Linda Tanner
12. CeCe Drake/ Charlotte DiLaurentis
13. Sara Harvey
14. Ian Thomas
15. Gabriel Holbrook
16. Kenneth DiLaurentis


I Think Out Of The Choices Of AD I Choose:
#LIARS= Spencer


Liars: Spencer
Girlfriends/Boyfriends: Alison
Mothers: Ella Montomgery
Fathers: Peter Hastings
Siblings: Melissa Hastings
Others: Wren kIngston or Lucas

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon childrenĀ 


The only contender I see is Lucas. Marlene wasn't sure if they were getting Torrey back so they wouldn't have made Melissa A.D. then and the writers said Wren has a plot twist in the finale so they wouldn't say that if he's A.D., plus, there's so many clues pointing to Lucas in 6B and 7A. Even one minor one in 6A!


I don't think is Lucas, there's no connection and when Lucas returned after Hanna was kidnapped he seem shocked when he noticed some of her marks in her hands. I don't know i don't think he would hurt Hanna. Like I posted in some other post... if Lucas was A.D why would he want to avenge Cece's death? or know who killed her? We never saw any scene between them like ever.. that would be so random, even if lucas seems like a good choice.

