MovieChat Forums > Detroit 1-8-7 (2010) Discussion > Safe bet this is the series finale.

Safe bet this is the series finale.

According to, ABC is cancelling V which has(had) a slightly higher rating than Detroit 187 last Tuesday. Unless by some miracle 8 million people decide to watch 187 this Sunday, then I'm expecting all the characters to die or become separated. I want a concrete ending that doesn't leave any loose ends.

I never really watched ABC except for Scrubs, and I remember all too well what happened at the end of that show. To be fair, Scrubs had a good number of seasons, whereas 187 barely even made it to 20 episodes(24 episodes is one full season right?). I think 187 would have been better on FX or TNT. Maybe even Fox or NBC (if I really wanted to push it to get views).

So with one episode left, I bid farewell to Detroit 187, hoping that maybe, just maybe, the future ahead could look a little brighter.

"Welcome to Detroit. We know you won't stay long, because nobody good stays for long, but we hope you like it while you're here." -Courage of Detroit, Sports Illustrated



I hope you're wrong because I really love this show.

Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)



V is totally different. The cost to run that show are much more than Detroit 1-8-7. Detroit currently has tax breaks for filming there. If they stay the show has a chance. Also, if you don't watch an episode of V you are screwed but with Detroit 1-8-7, you can miss and episode and still watch the next.


IF it ends i don't want all the characters to die. I would like Fitch to make amends w/his son and have a normal relationship even if its long distance, but have Fitch visit him every now and then...We already lost Stone which sucked, so i would like the NYPD ending where everyone continues to work...maybe Fitch could slowly start dating Sanchez ---...

I am royally pissed at ABC bc they didn't advertise this show like they should have, the advertised V and it still didn't work; maybe if they would've advertised Detroit more than V, it would've found an audience, but this is how ABC works-- they suck! Detroit is one the best cop shows out there right now, wish that FX, TNT or even USA Network would give it a try....hell even Fox would have been a lot better than ABC. Always Be Canceled=ABC


This is a great show. But, definitely not the best cop show on tv. Southland, by far.



Let it go the way of Southland! This is a Great Show!


Hmm "V" cancelled.. doubt it! However if it does I hope ABC sells the show over to Syfy(NBC) especially since Syfy just cancelled "Stargate: Universe." Back on topic. I doubt Detriot will end off of 1 season. To be fair there are a lot of cop/judicial shows on right now. I think this is the peak of these types of shows, but if "Rookie Blue" can get a second season then all cop shows deserve a another season.

sorry, I tuned you out


Rookie Blue got another season? I didn't know that. Then there should be hope for Detroit cause this show is by far better than Rookie Blue. We already have two other full cop shows: Southland and Blue Bloods - both excellent shows. Rookie Blue is okay but I wouldn't miss it if it doesn't return. I would definitely miss Detroit 187 so I do hope it returns.

This is my signature and I'm sticking to it. lol



I completely agree with you @dgk. If Rookie Blue can have a second season then why can't D187? I thought that RB was boring and didn't watch it. D187 is more entertaining to me. I really do hope that another network like SyFy, TNT, TBS, ANY NETWORK picks it up so that it could have a proper ending. They just left it with a cliffhanger at the finale. Sanchez and Fitch need to hook-up (even though they look awkward together). Just give me a proper ending.

By the way. Its almost for sure that it's going to be cancelled. I've been following the ratings on all season and the ratings are almost getting as low as a CW show. 1.1 rating for a finale is horrible!


Rookie Blue is produced by Canada's E1 Entertainment, so ABC doesn't have a lot to lose by renewing it. Different story, unfortunately, with D187.


Southland was renewed. If Detroit 1-8-7 was on TNT, Showtime, HBO etc., it would be renewed as well. It certainly deserves to survive.


Sunday night's episode was very much like the poster above stated. Not some big cliff hanger. Very business as usual with Finch and his son being pals and Finch asking Sanchez out on a date. Could be season finale or series finale! They left it open to go either way.

“Marriage is wild. After you say you do, you don't for a long time."
~John Leguizamo~


I heard today that they had a million viewers for this past tuesday's episode which was up by quite a bit. Maybe someone at the network will see that and give it another chance!!!!


they hardly advertise this show. I see tons of commericals for stupid crap like V and No ordinary family. They have done a horrible job with promotion.


They were still good enough to put the episode up to view online today (the day after it aired and not even a full 24 hours, not bad at all) at ABC's website, at least that shows some amount of faith. I SO wish I knew how much attention networks pay to online views instead of just as a show airs!!!


I hope this isn't the end of the show but if it does end I believe we can thank our wonderful new "Governor-cut the tax break-Snyder" ABC had a good deal going and may have stuck by this show because it was money wise to do so. Now with Snyder running the show and bound and determined to drag the best thing that has happened as far as bring business back to this state down I have a feeling shows like Detroit 187 and Hung are going to either be dropped like a hot potato or filmed outside of Michigan. Detroit 187 not filmed in Detroit would not have the flavor it has now!


It's not cancelled yet, but Mark Ausiello's renewal scorecard gives "V" a better chance of renewal than this show.

He says this show is "A long shot," while "V" could go either way.


Well, Fox has started the ball rolling on the renewal/cancellation news, so we should get some word from ABC soon. Does anyone know the schedule of when each network will make their announcement of the Fall schedule.


ABC's upfront presentation happens on the 17th. Unless word leaks out from stars/producers before then, the decisions are usually announced 1 or 2 business days prior.
