What happened to Stone?

ABC flipped this show around so much with the pre-empting and what not I only caught one or two of the last several episodes. One I did see, I believe ended with Stone getting shot. Was that the finale and also did he get killed off or did he make it?

Someone fill me in! Thanks


He's dead. As soon as I saw the ex junkie girlfriend I knew he was a goner


Aw man. What exactly happened to lead into his being shot?


He told the ex she had to move out and he did not want to deal with her. She had concocted some story that people were after her because she use to go out with him and he was a cop. So she acted like she had to stay with him so he could protect her. Well he wasn't having it and told her she had to go. He and his girlfriend spend a night together and when they were leaving for work the next morning the new girlfriend left her pocketbook or keys and had to back and get them. He stayed outside and waited for her. Well the old girlfriend is out side waiting behind a car and comes up to him and shoots him. Bang he's dead and the new girlfriend comes out at the very end of the shooting so she couldn't do much. It happened so fast I believe she shot the ex. I saw that coming a mile a way. she was on that show for something. She wasn't clean she was still a junkie. There was no rehab for her or redeeming her character. So the only reason she could of came on the show is to kill his or his girlfriends character off. I was hoping it was her because IMO she is a bad actress.
