MovieChat Forums > Sinbad and the Minotaur (2011) Discussion > Basic premise of this movie was wrong

Basic premise of this movie was wrong

The Colossus of Rhodes was made of bronze not gold. Now while bronze was valuable when the Colossus was built, nobody would set out on an expedition to recover a heads worth 1,000 years later.


So.... you're looking for ACCURACY in a fantasy movie? I bet you went into complete APOPLEXY when CLASH OF THE TITANS came out... or the HERCULES MOVIES... or... (NAME MYTHOLOGY MOVIE) *GRIN* What I like is when people start using their "KNOWLEDGE" of these movies to claim they "KNOW" mythology! I always tell them "I know it's NOT AS EXCITING... but read the ORIGINAL STUFF!" Mythology is AWESOME... but using anything in it to try and "PROVE" something wrong is a FOOLS ERRAND!


Accepting the general view that king Minos of Crete was the first man who built a navy, and who harassed all coastal nations (even Egypt) that were not tributeries to his hugely rich empire - possibly the Sea Peoples Empire... - and accepting Thucidides chronology, Minos the King lived three generations before the Trojan War, or say, in 1300 BCE (before the common era you and I are living).

You refer to the head of the Colossus of Rhodes being made of bronze, which may not be correct; it is more generally accepted that it was made of iron tie bars, brass plates, and stones on a white marble pedestal ( ). In any case, it was not made of gold, and it was built between 292 and 280 BCE.

How come Minos the King, or even one successor of his, that were much less powerful than the founder king, would take the Colossus head from Rhodes to Crete... 1000 years back?!

Some, ignorant of History and Mythology (that is History in a poetic, rather than chronological way...), will not be bothered by the premises of this adventure film. I'm worried about how kids may dismiss what they read in Legend and History books after this!
