MovieChat Forums > Seeing Heaven (2011) Discussion > Apart from the sex scenes this film is f...

Apart from the sex scenes this film is flaccid

In my opinion of course – the plot is weak, the characters are unconvincing and the acting (most of the time) is almost laughable. What I really dislike is how Paul continually refers to himself as ‘beautiful’ when he’s average at best; it would’ve made much more sense to cast a stunning guy who would – in reality – get as much attention as Paul does in this film. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a good looking stereotypical ‘twink’ but nothing to brag about, or maybe it’s just me?


My feelings exactly! I couldn't understand why everyone was making so much fuss over Paul's looks. And with that accent! A couple of times people asked him if he was from there (London?), but we never discovered exactly where he was meant to be from!


I agree with both of you. For me, the only guy in the film whose looks approached beautiful was Carlos. And Paul's South African accent was really annoying.

So many movies, so little time...


Yes, the plot of this movie is wanting in substance but I found the flashbacks interesting and am going to give it 5 marks out of 10.


Ugh I completely agree. The actor who played Paul was attractive, but I wouldn't call him beautiful. I think it would have been more believable if he would have stopped referencing his beauty all of the time. I got so sick of hearing about ok, we get it, you're hot, people think you're hot, and people use you because you're hot. This film was ok, but I feel like it was trying to too hard to be the British version of Pornography: A Thriller.
