Just Awful!

The only redeeming feature was the blossoming of the two women's relationship, otherwise what a truly bad film. Part badly acted soap opera, part amateur production values with poor storytelling, for example after Elena leaves her husband in the last scene, she appears to be pregnant in the next scene, without her lesbian lover ever knowing (no explanation as to how this could be? Did they split up? Have they not been dating for a while...? )only a little tagged on story of her seeking a donor.

I am baffled as to how this received such a high rating on Amazon(further proof that the star rating is BS and the users are idiots).


Thanks for the warning. I urgently need recommendation in lesbian films. I liked High Art and Saving Face. Films must be available as DVD.


Other decent lesbian drama's are 'Sugar Rush' 'L word' 'Watermelon Woman' 'Purple Sea' 'Page Turner' not strictly a 'lesbian movie' but its a good thriller with lesbian themes? 'My Summer of Love' (quite good), 'Nina's Heavenly Delights' 'Room in Rome' 'Tipping the Velvet''But I'm a Cheerleader' 'Bound' I'm sure you've heard of that?

Hope this helps.

I'm more of a breakfast for lunch type of girl.


Thank you for your quick answer. I'll enjoy trying some of those I've not heard of. I saw Ninas Heavenly Delights, Room in Rome, Tipping the Velvet and Bound. The two latter I found doof, the first ones I liked. A good laugh was Nicole Conns Cynara, which made me suspicious about her more recent work but also curious.


You hated Bound and Tipping the Velvet? I thought they where quite good. Room in Rome is a confusing one, I don't whether its male fantasy or artistic?

I'm more of a breakfast for lunch type of girl.


I felt it was intended to appear like a dream, fantasy, utopia. The women (heterosexual) men love to watch smooching definitely are not the boyish butch-types...


I have to agree with GirlwiththeDragonTattoo - this was a truly bad film. Just my opinion. Perhaps I'm a bit weird though because I really liked Nicole Conn's 'Claire of the Moon' all those years ago, probably for all the wrong reasons, ie the dreadfully verbose script complete with wonderful malapropisms and the sheer badly-acted naff-ness of the thing.Apart from Trisha Todd's performance as Claire which I found very affecting. Overall though, COTM fell into the category of movies that are so bad they're good.
This latest effort by Ms Conn however is a whole other kettle of pilchards - accuse me of damning the thing with faint praise if you will but I just don't think it's very good. To me the two women had little or no chemistry and, given that Nicole Conn is an out lesbian I would have thought the sex scenes might have been a tad more erotic. Instead I found them clinical, passionless and desperately unsexy.



*Spoilers are in this post*

I just watched this and I have to agree. For the longest time I put off seeing this movie, but I heard so many lesbian film-goers recommend it I thought perhaps it would be good. I found it to be pretty bad. I did enjoy the women's relationship but that seemed the only redeeming quality (to be fair to other lesbian film-goers though, that is probably the most important thing to them). However, the acting from basically all the other characters was not good (exceptions for Peyton's best friend and Nash's girlfriend Tori - I enjoyed them). The editing and production values made this seem like an extremely low budget film. I did not like how that guy quasi-narrated. Then the random clips of "real" couples also seemed forced and didn't fit. It seemed like the director wanted to take a page from When Harry Met Sally and it didn't work. Also the ending was pretty much the worst part. So after Elena and Peyton have that one fight they are just done? That made zero sense, especially considering Elena's marriage basically ended at the same time. I have no clue why the two would have had no contact in six months. I would have thought that cleared up Peyton's major gripes with the relationship. Also the sperm baby was just ridiculous. Why would Tyler have even offered her his sperm for a child when she's going through a divorce and single? Seriously just wtf. This movie was really not that good. However, I think because it did end with a happy ending lesbians latch onto it. It also had a lot of sex scenes so I think that's why it's so popular. Personally I think there are much better lesbian films out there, ranging from campy fun (But I'm a Cheerleader, DEBS) to romantic comedy (Imagine Me & You) to serious but extremely well done (Aimee & Jaguar). And I could list off several others that were better than this one. I mean I have no qualms with people liking this movie; I just find it surprising that I've seen so many lesbians list this as one of their favorites when their are much better ones out there.


You should pay more attention to the movie.
Did you miss the big white letters saying SIX MONTHS LATER before the park scene, during which also it's pretty clear that they haven't met each other during all this time? Six months is enough time to sprout a baby bump.


I agree with you. I tried watching this today and could hardly watch the whole thing. That a movie like this can be propped up as any good (#4 on the AfterEllen best lesbian movie poll -- how?!) just shows the dire state of lesbian cinema and the desperation of the community. Seriously awful film.


I agree with the opinion of almost everyone in this board. I personally have issues with characterization and the fact that the movie served cliches like bread and water.

And of course, spoilers ahead...

First, I thought that the premise was rather tricky to explore, Elena being the wife of a Christian pastor. I can't help but wonder if that is a message to the community that persecutes homosexuality. It seems like a loud FU to them.

Next, the husband was portrayed to be a clumsy, careless lover (which sends the message women only go for lesbians because of sex.) Add the fact that he was a self-righteous misogynist, then I guess the writer thought that the way to lesbian-dom is paved.

Peyton, as a lesbian writer, was also not written well. The whole time, she seemed to be so burdened by her past relationship. Her reactions to Elena's need to go back to the family give off the message that lesbians are very, very needy. Elena was surprisingly the level-headed one -- and she is the one who is supposed to be running away from an unideal marriage/relationship to a better one. Really, between a pr*ck of a husband and a jealous lover, I'd rather be alone.

Even towards the end, Peyton's reaction to Elena's pregnancy overflows with bitterness of the past (that she really hadn't had with Elena, but of a previous relationship). I don't know why that drama had to be added when in itself, there were plenty of issues the couple had to have a conversation about (like the fact that Peyton is always suspicious or that Elena has a son who may not be too accepting of her choices).

Lastly, the not-sleeping-with-the-husband bit was just unrealistic. I get that it's romantic, yes -- in essence Elena is already choosing Peyton over her husband. Still, it's just something I don't see happening in real life.

I guess that it would have been nice if they explored how two women fall in love without justifying it so much with cliches.

But of course, all these are just my opinion. Please don't crucify me for it. :)
