
Just watched this on SKY.

I would very rarely say this, but its one of the worst films I have ever seen.

They didnt even throw in any nudity, which might have saved it a little !


Yeah I watched it too on Sky Movies. Also think it was bad. A bunch of TV regrets who can't act.


I thought it was an alright romcom (not a fan) but mainly was a 90 minute advertisement for RIM/Blackberry & Facebook


I would absolutely agree that this movie is the worst ever. I saw it in the theatre (not sure why I paid $13.50 to watch this piece of crap. There are too many 'main characters', way too many secondary characters, or should I say *beep* friends....

Just bad. I would rate this a 2/10


yeah this is REALLY bad

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I actually thought it was a lighthearted rom/com and laughed out loud or rather LOL'ed (for those of you who paid attention in the film). It was cute and a great representation of our society and dating in today's era.


Thank you for pointing out how funny and insightful it is.....we didn't get it till now.....lol....
Its supposed to be a take on modern society but feels about 10 years old.....:?


I rather enjoyed it. It wasnt a mind blowing OMG the best movie I have ever seen but I don't think rom/com's ever fit that category. I thought it was a really cute movie.


I agree. I liked the movie. I thought it had its funny moments, and I didn't really understand the earlier post about too many main characters. There were two, as far as I could tell. And I seriously disagree with the earlier comment about having TV rejects who can't act. Carly Pope is seriously underused. I think she's talented and likable. But, that's just my personal opinion.


I didn't like this film at all although I agree that Carly Pope is a fine actress. I can't figure out what Breslin's redeeming quality was as he was a "Dog" with a capital "D".


It's a pretty uninteresting movie. Most romantic comedies follow a set formula, and while some may say that in itself is not that interesting at least we all know that the formula is tried and true. This film just went along on it's own miandering path. I don't think there is any character anybody could actually like except the art teacher because she was so beautiful. What was up with everyone at Breslins office swooning over him? There was nothing remotely attractive or charming about the guy, is it a chick thing? meh. Also how does one manage to ride their bike directly into an oncoming car? In the first place are you not watching where you are going and secondly how does one not die doing so? I mean it was a pivital plot point to yet completely rediculous.
