internal monologue: the movie

am I the only one who noticed that a good 3/4 of this POS was just the main character's internal monologue? I could not stand it. You must have to be a HARDCORE fan of the series to be able to put up with this.


His role is that of a narrator throughout the novels, anime and movie, it's his inner monologue that drives the plot and only strengthens the characters isolation overall in this movie, which is a subversion to the TV series where his narration is sarcastic in nature, also his narration is to counter Yuki's shy quiet nature, this film is one of the best animated features I have seen in years in terms of composition, tone and beautiful animation, I think the dub cast did very well with this, I would challenge you to make a better film.


With the money behind this, a dog could make a better movie. A movie that is 90% narration with little dialogue - or you know, things actually occurring in it - is an abysmal failure of a film. Three hours of internal monologue is literally trash, that's like reading a diary and calling it a novel.


