IMDB Censorship.

There was a review deleted for this film, not by me although I posted a similar review which will soon go. Why delete a review? It wasn't offensive at all from my memory. I just adds to my view that this film is just an excercize in manufacturing concent for a forthcoming obliteration of Iran leading to all out world war III. Seriously why delete a negative review of this film? It was called 'Hollywood Propoganda' and its gone, there's even a review from a shill called Eden Zaharoni which refers to the now extinct review, the country of origin of this poster is highly indicative. Why delete a review?


It's not so much censorship as people just don't know how to review a movie. The reason why so many negative reviews get removed is because many reviews will go as follows: "I really didn't like this movie. it was dumb and pointless. All it is is propaganda and I didn't like it. Don't waste your time on this BS."

When writing a review, it's best write out a well thought out explanation of a movies faults. With a title like "Hollywood Propaganda" I have a feeling the poster may have just went on a rant about why he/she didn't like it instead of really explaining WHY it was a bad movie. This is an assumption of course.

There are PLENTY of negative reviews on IMDB. Maybe the review contained spoilers. Spoilers in a review without a warning are a big no no. IMDB has guidelines on how movie reviews are to be submitted.


I take your point, but spoilers? For this film? lol to that.


'Very nice documentary, the movie sticks to facts, from its beginning to its end, of course, some Anti-Peace, Anti-Democracy and Pro-Terror people like some reviewers here (Moral Imperative), may watch this movie and try to spot scenes that shows the Israel-American relationship in a bad light. The Nuclear problem, is a big problem world wide this i can agree with the movie, but, i must also say, that the big danger with Nuclear weapon, id it falling into the wrong hands, Iran, Pakistan and other Terror countries. We are living 65 years without this weapon being used against human beings, this status can be kept if only those "bad" countries will be restrained.

Great Movie, good director.'

This review refers to it and is nothing more than an excuse to accuse everyone in the middle east of having nuclear weapons, while ignoring that the only 'country' in the middle east to have such weapons (illegally) is Israel. Why has this partisan review survived, while the deleted one is so very bad (it wasnt), could it be because IMDB is owned by Jewish interests? Spoilers? Pah. Bloody Facists.


Wow that's harsh and over thinking it a bit. IMDB is owned by Amazon and while I don't know the ethnicity or religion of the owners, I highly doubt the owners or even Joe Somebody who works in the "reviews department" is censoring 1 review. This website has hundreds of thousands of movies and MILLIONS of reviews. I doubt that these reviews are being picked apart one by one because of some political agenda. There are movies with reviews FAR worse than this one and the one removed I'm sure.

Just pop on in to any movie with Tyler Perry or Miley Cyrus. I guarantee you'll see hundreds of reviews that should be gone because it blasts the 2 actors simply because the reviewer doesn't like them. Again there are literally millions of reviews on this site. Some may catch the eye of the administration and some may not. One can not assume it is politically, racially, or religiously fueled for a movie that honestly really doesn't matter. That is reaching.



Yep cause the subject matter of this film is like Miley Cyrus isn't it? My god did you really say that? And if you don't think theres a 'Ministry of Truth' out there nit-picking apart reality to suit their agenda you are clearly mistaken.
This film is about the potential end of EVERYTHING. Come back with one more unpassionate response like that and you will officially be part of the problem.
The film takes great pains to label every other country in the middle east as potential nuclear terrorists, and mentions Israels nuclear arsenal in the barest sense. One mention of Dimona, thats all we get. Don't act surprised when a 'film' which is highly politically motivated, garners similar responses, dont delete those responses while leaving other polarised responses in place and you won't get this will you? And above all dont equate Miley Cyrus with nuclear war ever again.


There's a big difference between a movie review and loony left conspiracies. Did you mention the Zionists overlords and the Jews who invented nukes?


No, but you did, ;-) Wonder why?
