Horrible half-brained show

So pathetic, phony. Ventura is preposterous/out of his depth as an investigative journalist, and his 'non-acting' acting is just sad. Can't take this show seriously.

Can't beleive 'Tru' bumps other, better programs to air this.


Just because the show itself is poorly executed and he kind of makes an ass out of himself doesn't mean the information being given is less credible. I've watched every episode so far and nothing they've revealed is breaking news to me. This is all pretty readily available information if one just takes the time to look. You don't have to take the people on the show seriously to take the information seriously (which you should).

Sicker than a f@ggot Haitian.


I agree with you "thatsareppp" about the information. I do not trust our government and I think people are naive or in denial about what our own government is willing to do. Most of it is not news to me either.

I disagree with the presentation though, I don't think he is acting and he does know how to find things out. He has good credentials as a former Navy Seal and he is not a slave to a political party. I think he is presenting it and people are believing he is acting. His acting career was not something he really focused on as much as he did wrestling and he made his money, and he wants to know the truth about things and get the American people involved with what is going on. He is not a stupid man, and I think people think he is. Believe me, I use to do SERE training and in the special forces of any of the services, you cannot afford to be stupid. He is a smart man who wants people to be aware of things because this government is OURS. The government works for US, WE THE PEOPLE. We are sovereign citizens and the gov answers to us. Now we have our rights being taken away and people want to believe that its all in part of the war.

I don't care if a former porn star was up there reporting this, it does not mean it is not credible. Besides, I doubt that Jesse Ventura cares what people have to say about him. What I like is that he is not afraid of asking questions and confronting people about it. He seems to try to be courteous and polite, but he can also be intimidating. You know, not that he would do this, but he doesn't look like he can't kick ass.

I like the show and I like the way he presents it, no BS or sugar coating, he just says it straight out and I like that approach when it comes to getting some answers and people are not afraid to talk to him.

It is not a half-brained show, maybe some of the people, the deniers, think it is because they don't like what he has to say. Believe me, I know about corrupt systems and I am not afraid to blow the whistle myself and have, and I sleep very well at night.


Stupid show made for idiots. I don't trust the government especially people like ex Governor Jesse Ventura. "as governor I had access to secrets at the highest level" LOL yeah sure you did. Governor of Minnesota has access to everything. Only morons would buy into this *beep* If it wasn't for "Operation Repo" this would be the worst show on TV. Tru TV is starting to go downhill.



The last two posters have made it quite obvious that the United States government and the rest of the elitists of this world are still succeeding and have a firm grasp on the minds of the public. The scoffing and insults are most certainly rooted in fear and insecurity, which is to be expected...

Once again, I encourage you to not take Ventura's word for anything, but to take the time to research these things for yourself with no bias of any kind. If you truly do that, I guarantee you will be singing a different tune.

Sicker than a f@ggot Haitian.



I will be underground with the Bilderbergs, as I was on the physics team that ultimately created the hole in the Earth's electromagnetic field that will let all the protons in. We got the idea from the Mayans.

It's a damn shame the flu vaccine didn't thin the herd like we wanted to because this project was pretty expensive. Luckily there was a lot of TARP monies available.

Anyway, none of you are getting in with us. There's only so much freeze dried caviar to go around. If I were you I'd start digging in your back yards, get some quick setting concrete, and make a bunker. Campbell's Chicken Noodle is good food.

Take care of yourselves!



Right. Anything you CAN take seriously is immediately undermined by the need to keep the paranoia flowing. How many topics are left before we get to the Flat Earth Society?

Ventura said Nukyular last night (just like Bush) and that ponytail is asinine. I cannot take him seriously.


onepotato2 sez "I cannot take [Ventura] seriously."

If that were true, you never would have started this topic. It's fairly easy to see straight through you.



The show is low-budget, dramatic, and poorly acted. BUT I have to give it to Ventura for exploring these issues, even if not very well. I've pretty much researched each of these theories prior to this show coming out with the exception of HAARP, and I think it's gutsy of a cable show to try to tackle them. Especially the 9/11 show.
I think by just focusing on the simplistic nature of the show, you forget that a well made show, that had really incriminating evidence would NEVER make it to cable television. With Jesse Ventura at the helm, you can either take it at face value or dismiss it, whereas a better produced show would be difficlut to ignore.
Either way, I'm just happy that someone is making people think about these things. Whether they ultimately believe them or not.


I agree, the acting is very amateur but then again Ventura is a former wrestler... and It doesn't take away from the show. That one white guy is hilariously bad at acting though, the one who always disagrees with the conspiracy. Anyways...

I'm glad Ventura made this show, it's people like the OP why he did make it. Why is it that when anyone goes against convention wisdom he is considered crazy ? Ventura made this point on FOX news where Brian Kilmeade was UPSET that Ventura was questioning the 9/11 commission report. why ? we're not allowed to ask questions anymore ? is this nazi Germany ?

I'm not saying I believe or don't believe Ventura but at least he has the balls to put his neck out there. It would be a much tougher sell if it was some random dude who decided to make a TV show. He's been in the military and he was a governor, I would assume he some more knowledge than you and I. Believe it or not, you can't seriously think the government is telling us everything. Nor can you believe that these conspiracy theories came out of thin air.


I'm the OP. My objection is that this stuff ia already available everywhere else; books, youtube, rightwing websites, leftwing websites.

It's not because I resent being enlightended. The stuff is stale. They will run out of conspiracies very soon, and get increasingly desperate.


That one white guy is hilariously bad at acting though, the one who always disagrees with the conspiracy. Anyways...

^^ That guy is SO annoying! Terrbile actor!
