Sandy Hook Conspiracy

I really wish they'd do a special episode about Sandy Hook. I know the season is over and I really don't wanna wait till next season for it. I think this is urgent enough that it needs a special done on it.



He should have time to work on it, it should cover Columbine, Virginia Tech and TDKR Aura shooting also in the same episode.

He's already covered "Manchurian Candidate" sleeper agents.


There's too much disinfo and disinfo agents at work.

The only thing that can be said is that the tragedy was hijacked by the anti-gun crowd who wish to eliminated or infringe on the 2nd Amendment. Not to mention that Feinstein is big hypocrite who doesn't think you and me should own guns but that she can. Her bill also exempts government officials.

Every Girl With A Henna Tattoo And A Spice Rack Thinks She's A Sister To The Dark Ones.


Hate people like you, no the US gov DID NOT send taht guy to kill those children.

Just because the father laughed a little bit it does not mean that its fake, maybe he remembered a fun time with his child? Now watch the "conspiracy theory" video and use a little bit of common sense.


You obviously haven't looked into Sandy Hook. There's a lot of problems with the official story.

Every Girl With A Henna Tattoo And A Spice Rack Thinks She's A Sister To The Dark Ones.


Do you really think that just because one father laughed, that is what people are pointing to? Here are just a few there are many...many more.

1) Adam Lanza had not been seen by neighbors in years.

2) Too many conflicting stories that changed to fit the 'assault weapon' story.

3) Cropped pictures

4) No recent pictures of Lanza

5) Suspect clearly seen being chased and arrested in the woods.

6) Conflicting stories from families and children involved.

7) Smoking gun theory....

and many....many more. Read, research.....evaluate....learn. Wake up


I am sorry but of course there is going to be conflicting news stories in the first 48 hours after an event like this happens. Just because the media jumps the gun to report news that is not factual doesn't make the story some plot by the government.

Scares me to death people actually believe this.


No it doesn't make it a plot but there is enough to question the official story. Do you really trust everything Main Stream Media tells you? Of course they would never lie to us, would they?


You conspiratards always say you're questioning the official story, but is it too much to ask that you do a good job questioning it?


Eyewitness have inconsistencies all the time even when they are telling the truth. It's just the way our minds work. That's why defense attorney's don't like putting clients on the stand.

The rest of the stuff isn't even evidence. I mean cmon, neighbors haven't seen a loner that doesn't talk or make any decisions for himself and he doesn't like to take pictures. Yep, hard evidence.

What motive would the government have to massacre children in a school? Please come up with something that actually makes sense. Really I don't know why anyone would continue to live in a country that would commit such atrocities. Makes you look pretty stupid. You're worse than those doomsday preppers.

That's all I have to say.


Ok, how about Gun Control? Simple as that....
Were kids really killed? I don't know....I think so but no one ever saw photos. Nothing but what we were told. Of course we should believe everything we are told, right?

Someone would have to see him? People don't stay inside forever.....C'mon...really??

Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

I mean according to the mainstream media the mother was teaching him how to shoot guns, yet no one saw them....BUT yet the media knew this fact.....

I am saying...QUESTION....don't believe everything the news tells you. Simple as that...


Wow so the fact that they didnt show us pictures of children shot to death is grounds for a cover up? Who wants to see that? I see your posts on other threads here calling people sheep and bro you are the most paranoid person ive ever seen. U obviously know alot about these conspiracy theories and get your kicks off with them. A obsession even. U claim u do your own research but only from a completely bias paranoid perspective. This thread has completely picked apart your sandy hook theories with ridiculously plausible explanations (atleast the ones you posted. I would love to hear the "many more" u claim there are). But some people are just so tuned into their paranoia they can only see things that way(delusion). Making connections that are far fetched and work themselves up from there to the point where they only see things in a paranoid way. Then proceed to call people sheep cause they dont see or agree or go along with the delusions they arrive to.

Ya ok buddy.... The goverment is responsible for sandy hook massacre for influence of gun control laws. If that was even plausible... They could of shot up a mall or church or something and accomplished whatever u think they were trying to. But instead shot up a school of little children just to be even "extra sick". The location was picked by the assailant because thats where his mom worked and was his main target. So OBVIOUSLY he had problems with her. Could that be a explaination why no one saw him for a long time? He had family issues and left home or was kicked out, doesnt matter. So if his own parents didnt see him for 4yrs why the *beep* would the neighbors have seen him? Or anyone in that city if he wasnt living there. i dunno must be a conspiracy lol. The goverment of course knew of his family issues, brainwashed him to murder children, so one day 4yrs in the future he will be activated for their gun control agenda. Am i getting this right?
Did they invent some kind of super crack? "Open your eyes" u say. Try closing yours. You dont even know whats real anymore. Ya call people sheep jack@ss. But were not the ones wearing a tin foil hat, writting numerical sequences on our walls with crayons, and eating tunafish out of a can with a plastic spork.
I know i know im just blind right? I dont understand right? Im a sheep because my eyes arent open right? Maybe i just dont like tunafish. Exactly how open do my eyes have to be to believe this crap?


A mentally disturbed *beep* with a gun killed children because his mother was stupid enough to train him how to use a gun instead of getting him the kind of help he really needed. "Conspiracy" solved, moron.


Once again, an idiot who believes everything the news tells them! You watch too much tv and get your news from the internet!

