EVERY 9/11 conspiracy theory debunked

Every last stupid one.


Watch all the videos before you comment.


Oh yeah so you think?

Well look up a declassified operation called Operation Northwoods and then lets see how stupid you feel. Keep believe what they are feeding you.......be lead to the slaughter.....and when you are facing your rights taken away, standing there wondering what the bell happen, debunk that!


First I apologize to all to reads this in response to a post 4 months ago. But I had just finish watching Ventura's show in which I thought immediately another POS show. I watched the ending of the Bilderberg episode and the JFK conspiracy.

What a load of crap, talk about idiotic drama. But that is here nor there. You mentioned "Operation Northwoods." Absolutely absurd to believe a document/plan prepared in the 60's concerning Cuba leads you to believe it or alike applies to 9/11. I would really like to know your prospective of how these two are even remotely similar.


Well look up a declassified operation called Operation Northwoods and then lets see how stupid you feel.

I know all about Northwoods and don't feel stupid at all, though YOU should, and ARE.

Northwoods has nothing to do with 9/11 and is not "proof" of anything.

Northwoods was about faking and falsifying attacks in the US in order to garner support for invading Cuba. It was just some proposals thrown around and ultimately trashed and never implemented.

Take note too that had Northwoods been implemented, the "attacks" were all designed to be no (or minimal risk) casualties. Nothing like the massive loss of life on 9/11.

You are a complete fraking Moron for thinking Northwoods has anything to do with 9/11

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!



What you are asserting, never happened.

There were no fake and falsified attacks made on America, much less for the purpose of invading another country.

I joined the Navy to see the world, only to discover the world is 2/3 water!


Most people who believe conspiracy theories aren't emotionally stable. They are trying to fill some void in their lives with fantastic ideas of things that are unbelievable.


Most people who believe conspiracy theories aren't emotionally stable. They are trying to fill some void in their lives with fantastic ideas of things that are unbelievable.

Most people who believes the government and mainstream media aren't educated. They need the government, media and any other big name figure (like organised religion) to tell them what to think and do to try and fill that void in their thinking process. A good number of these same people also tends to be racists, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic and other forms of bigotry. That's why the government and media just loves to bring up social issues in regards to everything because they know not only will these morons take the bait, but they'll back them up to the fullest because it supports their dick worshipping, white supremacy views. That or the people backing up the government are just trolls sh*tting on people and sensitive subjects because they know they'll get a reaction and group fellow trolls and @$$holes supporting them and/or are people actually affiliated with the government. Both of which are pieces of sh*ts with agendas.

conspiracy theorists = 1
government *beep* = 0

Oh and since we're on the board for Jesse's show, I figure now is the best time to bring up some of the things regarding Jesse that actually made it to court. Such as Jesse Ventura filing that damination suit against Chris Kyle. Daminations cases are hard to win and many government *beep* was using it to try and make Jesse seem like a nut, a scumbag and all sorts of things. The results? Jesse won with overwhelming evidence and the jury awarding him 1.8 million dollars in damages.

conspiracy theorists = 2
government *beep* = 0

Or one of Jesse's cases that I bothered the check up on: The Gulf Oil Spill. Clearly just a crazy conspiracy theory... that turned out to be right as Halliburton is paying 1.1 billion dollars US for that incident. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/halliburton-to-pay-1-1b-us-to-settle-deepwater-horizon-oil-spill-claims-1.2753216

conspiracy theorists = 3
government *beep* = 0

Even better, we have the extra treat of Halliburton outright admitting to wrong doing. http://www.france24.com/en/20130726-halliburton-destroying-evidence-fined-gulf-oil-spill-usa/ Reality check to government *beep* just because you guys live in a delusion, doesn't mean the rest of the world does.

conspiracy theorists = 4
government *beep* = 0

Also I find it amusing the word conspiracy theorist has all of a sudden became a derogatory term when lets look at the word. Theory taken out of the dictionary is an explanation based on observation and reasoning. So am I suppose to think a theory is a bad thing? Hey dumbasses, everything we know started out as a theory at one point or another.

Then there's conspiracy which taken out of the dictionary is secret scheming or planning to do something evil. Put them together and it's a speculation and observation about a secret plan to do something evil. So trying to figure out if a group of people are doing or did bad stuff is all of a sudden a bad thing? Are you guys this stupid?

But oh wait, it's bad because the media and US government says it's bad? Well the US government is pretty much always the suspect in said conspiracy, so it's pretty much the equivalent of a serial killer telling people speculation he's a serial killer is a bad thing. Though considering people outright knows the US government has murdered people in many accounts, so this is actually more of the equivalent of a well known serial killer telling people speculation he murdered certain people is a bad thing. Are you guys really this fking stupid? Calling you people a bunch of dumbasses is a understatement here. Might as well throw it into the points.

conspiracy theorist = 5
government *beep* = 0

That extra point is for having working brain cells.


So, what you wrote is a bunch of generalized blah blah blah to suit some agenda you've created in your mind like other conspiracy boneheads.

Please, point out where I've ever stated I tow a government party line, and that I'm all involved in believing every word of the main stream media?

I'm waiting.

Just so you know, there are those of us who aren't DUMB enough to believe all the media and government spews out, and we're definitely not dumb enough to believe conspiracy idiots and their stupid ideas either.

I await further generalizations based on zero facts as you tend to pass around here.


Please, point out where I've ever stated I tow a government party line, and that I'm all involved in believing every word of the main stream media?

Where did I wrote anywhere that I claimed you towed the government party line or addressed you directly about it? No where. You wrote a generalized blah blah blah (hey hypocrite) about conspiracy theorists, so I wrote one in return about government c**ksuckers. Are you a government c**ksucker to have responded so defensively?

The fact you also responded so fast to a comment on a rather dead message board means you must monitor this board heavily which is pretty telling. The only people who would do that for this show are trolls and government c**ksuckers.

Just so you know, there are those of us who aren't DUMB enough to believe all the media and government spews out, and we're definitely not dumb enough to believe conspiracy idiots and their stupid ideas either.

So which one is it? Either you believe everything the government tells you, or you're skeptical of some of things they tell you. The latter would fall under radical thinking which is where conspiracy theorists are lump into. It's one or the other, you can't have both. Or are you too stupid to not know this and basic "you do or you don't" concepts? Also are you aware just because someone doesn't trust the government doesn't mean they believe every conspiracy theory out there, or are you too stupid not to know this either?

It's also really telling I brought up two examples of things Jesse claimed that went to court (one of which was a episode topic for this show), both claims turned out to be true with overwhelming evidence with one of the perpetrators (Halliburton) admitting to wrong doing, and you're acting like there's still zero credibility behind conspiracy theory claims. That tells me you're more than just a dumbass if quickly responding to a post about trolls and government c**ksuckers that didn't directly address you didn't point that out enough.


It's RADICAL THINKING to imagine that the government is full of crap??? No, the government is full of crap, but not to the level conspiracy theorists claim. It's impossible for the government to have SO many people involved in something and not have someone say something about it.

Example, if 9/11 was a legit conspiracy, it would require THOUSANDS of people. Hard enough for one person to keep quiet, no less that many.

And no, I don't tell this board. I saw something on 9/11 do I got caught up in here when I saw it.


It's RADICAL THINKING to imagine that the government is full of crap???

To them, yes it is. If you think the government is full of crap, that means you don't believe anything they say and if you want to know the real story, you have to do your own investigations. Guess what that story from your investigations is going to be called? That's right, a conspiracy theory. If it goes against the official story, it's automatically labelled a theory, nothing more.

No, the government is full of crap, but not to the level conspiracy theorists claim.

You're clearly badly misinformed, but considering how much the media and government c**ksuckers out there are desperately trying to get everyone to take the stupid pills, I don't blame you for that one. Very few conspiracy theorists share the exact same views on all matters. Take this show for example, Jesse, David Icke and Alex Jones are all conspiracy theorists, yet they all clearly have differing views on matters. Ditto with the rest of Jesse's team, they too have differing views on all matters as well. However since they all agree the government is full of crap, all of them are automatically labelled as conspiracy theorists.

It's impossible for the government to have SO many people involved in something and not have someone say something about it.

Example, if 9/11 was a legit conspiracy, it would require THOUSANDS of people. Hard enough for one person to keep quiet, no less that many.

Again you're badly misinformed. I'll address 9/11.

1) I assume you haven't done much research into this and probably haven't seen Jesse's episode on the Pentagon. First off you don't need thousands of people, doubt you even needs hundreds. As Jesse explained in the Pentagon episode and his other episodes, easiest way to do things is for the left hand to not know what the right hand is really up. Have a higher up order a bunch of low levels to do something, give a BS explanation what it's for, and anyone who asks questions tell them to shut up and stop asking questions.

For example in the Pentagon episode they explained what is with the 9/11 commission report and it was because they were duped and designed to fail due to the government putting a bunch of obstacles in their way. Even many people who worked in the 9/11 commission report have all said they were setup to fail. Or take Norad. Reason they failed to stop the planes was because weeks prior Dick Cheney ordered a global exercise of planes smashing into buildings and Norad was spread all across the globe, leaving very few still in the US. Guess what's one of the days within the exercise length? That's right September 11, 2001. Those hearing about 9/11 wouldn't even know if it was for real or part of the exercise. The Pentagon episode also featured a person working in a air tower who reported two Norad jets were about to engage the plane heading for the Pentagon, but were ordered to stand down. They brought up the only person unaccounted for who had authority to do it was again Dick Cheney. The entire Norad fleet and the government only need one person to take them out of the picture.

2) TONS of people have came forward about how BS the government's story is, but they all got censored. For example the plane that crashed in Shanksville, both the rescue workers on site and the mayor of the town himself said there was no plane on site. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPkpvc-9wFM&hd=1

The reason it has a German dub is because all the english version of that interview got deleted. Here's another video about NYC fire fighters from 9/11 all gathering up to form a 9/11 truth organizations because they know the government's story is BS since they were actually there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxGB2YoGV-I&hd=1

In Jesse's Pentagon episode, he had several people tell their sides of the story that all contradicts the government's story including one woman nearly killed in the Pentagon explosion. Here's another video of someone at the Pentagon site during 9/11 who said there was no plane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFz7gLz7CVk&hd=1. If you're wondering why claim it was a plane is to cover the government actually used a missile to destroy that specific area of the building because again as explained in the Pentagon episode, there was 2.3 trillion dollars unaccounted for and that area of the Pentagon would've tracked that missing money. Here's a video showing more of the missing money thing if you want to see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-F5NKAMdFc&hd=1.

Actually if you look at all those 9/11 truth movement groups, you'll notice many of them were started by the experts who either specialize in a field that says the government's story is BS or were actually there. Furthermore I can't find EVEN ONE reliable expert who agrees with the government's story. The experts usually follow the same path as this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9MHIVN9kJU&hd=1. Basically they don't look back at 9/11 until they encounter something they know and their BS meters goes off. The amount of videos and interviews of people on the 9/11 sites, experts or people in a field who has some insider intel about a 9/11 aspect I found in the last 2/3 years is ridiculously massive. Where do you think all the info like the Norad thing all came from? People who actually worked there who saw what was really happening in the government leaked that info.

Then there's also people like SEAL team 6. If you don't know, they were the team credited to killing Osama Bin Laden. However stories of the raid were massively inconsistent and the government refused to show any photos of Bin Laden. SEAL team 6 could've clear everything, but they "just happened" to have been killed in a helicopter "accident" within a week after the raid. Anyone working in the government who knows all the details about 9/11 who wasn't a complete POS likely faced the same fate as SEAL team 6.

Even the freakin government have been caught on camera slipping up and not even remembering their own story. Here's a good one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0c9dNcrxcA&hd=1.

There's at least one more video I saw of Bush slipping up and said explosives took down the towers, one of Cheney slipping up and saying it, one of John Kerry saying it, and Jesse's Pentagon episode showed a video of a head member of the 9/11 commission report slipping up a missile hit the Pentagon before saying a plane instead.


So wait, you think:

Most people who believe conspiracy theories aren't emotionally stable. They are trying to fill some void in their lives with fantastic ideas of things that are unbelievable.

*isn't* a "generalization based on zero facts"??

I know a lot of the claims made around conspiracy theories are annoying and ludicrous, but the claims made by the people who choose to get self-righteous about it are often just as bad. Those people who make a big thing about crowing their superiority don't seem to realise they're merely the other side of the same coin.

You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.


I just watched 3 of his videos and that guy doesn't know crap about physics and size. He also just uses the same old diagrams I see every idiot, erm I mean debunker, use that's dumbed down and intended for people who thinks things like a bullet will leave a smooth, straight hole behind it. Peter Griffin's video of Quagmire getting eaten by a T-rex is about as believable.

EDIT: PS while I noticed this the instant I saw the title of this thread, I'm not sure if others notice this so I'm bringing it up, but the OP of this thread has a username that can be interpreted as a troll username. Actually a lot of these government defenders (especially on Youtube) tend to have what can be seen as troll usernames.

It's a pretty sad world where there's a bunch of inbred @$$holes who feels they need to crap on people just for a little attention.


You're missing the video where it shows how all of the black boxes disappeared completely?......i mean they were searching thousands of miles of sea for the missing Malaysian airline black boxes, it's not like they had to search very far to find these black boxes to find out more detailed info on who was flying the planes and what happened in the leadup to the plane collision......And as for the pentagon strike....I find it hard to believe that showing the plane hitting the side of the building compromises any sort of security.....it's hardly a blue print on how to take out the pentagon for future strikes, why not just release that shot??


^ Dude it's pretty well known by now all these pro-government videos on 9/11 are by government c*cksucking trolls. Though the trolls themselves would usually fall under 3 categories.

The first one are the typical human $hit trolls who do anything for attention and what better topic to get click bait than siding with the mass murderers of 9/11?

Second breed of government c*cksucking trolls are the ones the government actually pays. These are the pieces of $hit you can expect to find in the comment section of practically every 9/11 video. All eager to suck Bush and Dick's hairy and shriveled up c*cks.

Final breed are also paid by the government, but these try and discredit the other side. Both breed of government paid trolls would have many fake accounts, but these guys would likely respond to themselves because they're pretending to be the anti-government side. It's a lot more easier for them to make the people side look crazy and full of misinformation.

All 3 at the end are full of $hit because they can never use any reliable information to back up their claims. Just make crap up and hope you're stupid enough to buy it without question.

You're missing the video where it shows how all of the black boxes disappeared completely?......i mean they were searching thousands of miles of sea for the missing Malaysian airline black boxes, it's not like they had to search very far to find these black boxes to find out more detailed info on who was flying the planes and what happened in the leadup to the plane collision

I forget, where did those stupid recordings from that Pennsylvania flight supposedly came from again? I thought they came from the plane's recordings, and we're just suppose to not question why the terrorist who hijacked the plane would record passengers' phone calls which implements them and not do anything about the revolt they were talking about on the phone.

Or am I suppose to believe the passengers' family members just happened to have tape recorders plugged into their phones and recorded those calls well before they even received them. Then the passengers introduced themselves with both first and last name to the family members who should already know their family members names. Then the passengers explains their scary ordeal with less emotion in their voices than Robocop and the Terminator. However the passengers do try and outdo the Terminator's trademark lines with "lets roll". Did George Bush wrote that line himself? With such idiotic writing like terrorist attack America because they fear freedom or something equally stupid, he does seem like a good contender for writer of that line.

And as for the pentagon strike....I find it hard to believe that showing the plane hitting the side of the building compromises any sort of security.....it's hardly a blue print on how to take out the pentagon for future strikes, why not just release that shot??

I think a better question to realize is why would a terrorist crash a plane on the side of the Pentagon to begin with as oppose to the easier method of crashing the plane from on top of the Pentagon? There's more building to hit and you do maximum damage with the plane too. But no, instead they use a method that's the equivalent of trying to shoot a target board from the side instead of the more logical front area. Terrorists can somehow beat Norad with box cutters do something even a 5 year old would be yelling is a stupid idea. That's what the government wants us to believe.

Oh also the area of the Pentagon hit just happened to be the area storing information and investigating where over 2 trillion dollars went missing under government watch. They'll probably have found out it went to Halliburton and all those oil companies who were already setting up plans to rape and pillage Iraq shortly after Sadam announced in 2000 that Iraqi oil would not be sold in US dollars.


You conspiratards always make it about believing the government or mainstream media. None of us ever said we do that. The government is dishonest a lot of the time, and 9/11 was a middle-eastern terrorist attack not organized by the US government. Both are true at the same time. Believe the government! Yeah right, get your conspiratard shït together, and decide once and for all if it's explosives or thermite, will ya? Why can't you conspiratards decide that? Oh right, no evidence of either. That's what happens when you have no evidence. You imagine different scenarios. Sounds like a real solid case!


Yeah right, get your conspiratard shït together, and decide once and for all if it's explosives or thermite, will ya?

This has already been addressed just a few of my posts above:
Very few conspiracy theorists share the exact same views on all matters. Take this show for example, Jesse, David Icke and Alex Jones are all conspiracy theorists, yet they all clearly have differing views on matters. Ditto with the rest of Jesse's team, they too have differing views on all matters as well. However since they all agree the government is full of crap, all of them are automatically labelled as conspiracy theorists.

I know you guys are stupid, but can't even read something posted a few replies above? God damn!

BTW there's lot of things I found out since posting the above responses, but I know you're a troll who already has their minds made up, so no point in wasting me time to bring them up. Also since you're so keen on evidence, please explain to me how the government knew every detail about 9/11 when they admittedly never even investigated the event until over a year later? Wow the government must be using some Minority Report level precogs to get every single detail right, yet didn't know about the terrorist attacks in question. Good thing for you racist government *beep* there's plenty of idiots who can't figure out how contradicting all of this is.
