The opening credits

I have no idea in the freaking world what they were trying to do with the opening credits. The way it started, with the Spanish Civil War related images and that super-intense song, was great. I was really really digging it.

And then Lon Cheney from "London After Midnight" shows up and my brain stuttered (Wha... what. Are they trying to pass him off as being related to the civil war?)

Then the Wolfman shows up (What.)

Then a little bit later Frankenstein's monster is there (Okay... so there's a poorly implemented Hollywood monster theme here)

Then Emperor Ming is there (Weird but okay)

Then Raquel Welch (Double What.)

Then the impaled chick from "Cannibal Holocaust" (No way...!)

What were they trying to accomplish? They blew my Hollywood Monster theme out of the water with lovely Miss Welch. It doesn't make any sense!

If the credits had just been Spanish Civil War and Franco-era images with that badass song it would have been amazing. It would have been one of the most memorable, most awesome credit sequences I'd ever seen. As it stands it certainly is memorable but not in a good way. It's memorable in the sort of way that makes me want to show it to my friends so they can see how much potential there was, but ended up failing miserably.


I think it's juxtaposing the beauty and image of Hollywood with the grotesquery of reality as history progresses, with occasional congruity between the two (movie monsters vs. real-life ones).

I thought it worked wonderfully and the music is amazingly intense. Really sets the dark tone for this twisted metaphoric fantasy.

I know, Extreme Sport Punk #1. I know.
