Spiraled into stupidity!!


It started ok but after the sad clown smashed in the other clown's face it just got more and more idiotic.

I mean, really? He goes off and lives in a hole in the woods (for who knows how long) eating animals that just happen to fall in the hole. Then he lets himself be turned in to some human hunting dog when he could have escaped anytime. Then he horribly, painfully and irrevocably dis-figures his own face. Why? Then he goes on a pointless and ineffective killing spree but doesn't really kill anyone then the coop de grassy: Tries to escape the villain by climbing the highest structure in the city. He would be guaranteed escape lol.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


And yet this wasn't even the most stupid thing about the movie ... the cannon guy in the finale tops it all off!

While watching I always thought "oookay, that's strange, but give the movie a chance, it has potential, that was probably the worst scene and it will get better" but it always gets worse ...


Watch Las Brujas de Zugarramurdi from the same director. There are similarities but it 1. never gets idiotic 2. never gets bad 3. looks a lot better.

www.1up-games.com Last watched: imdb.to/K4tvL9
