MovieChat Forums > The Hike (2011) Discussion > what is it with the guys?

what is it with the guys?

At first I thought this is like the descent movie, in which a group of girls went on hiking and stumbled upon weird creatures in the forest that would be slashing them one by one.

But then they met up with 3 nice guys who then changed to be psycho which is not really that horror plus the guys looked idiots when dealing with their victims. But what's with them actually? I thought they are like cannibals? Hunting for human meat, as they showed the bad guy with cut off limb while they were having meals. Or were they doing some witchcraft, hunting for blood?

I waited for some clearer picture about these guys' motives until all that was shown is only some loser guys trying to rape girls but couldn't succeed at all. Dafuq is that? With some groping and dry humping only.

Are they trying to show these guys are some desperate losers who have no women thus they need to hunt girls for sex? Even with the necrophilia stuff, and clothes rape, they were depicted to dunno how to bang some chicks, so they need to kill for sex.

Nearly the end of the movie, the protagonist asked help from the house where it isactually one of the guy's house. And the wife looked as if she didn't know what's with her husband's true color. Seemed to be pretty happy family. Then what's the problem with the guy?

Then the wife herself killed the protagonist as if she herself was another psycho? Why is that? If it's just for a twist, still it didn;t make any sense. Becoz she was innocently trying to help at first and was confused with the husband. How come she suddenly turned into another psycho?


the guys are just a bunch of psychopaths, there are no deeper motifs i guess.

the wife in the end didn't know about her husband's evil identity, so she mistook the protagonist as a dangerous maniac rather than her husband's victim.


The wife was beginning to have doubts about her husband, as she saw him and the protagonist confront each other in the house. But then when the protagonist escapes, and the husband runs after her, which should have made the wife doubt her husband even more. So the final shot doesn't make much sense, and is just a failed attempt at getting in a dramatic closing sequence.

The movie just sucks all around, so it is not worth picking out small bits of it that don't make sense or trying to come up with rationalizations for them. The present IMDB rating of 3.7 is too high. Hopefully that will go down as more people see the movie.


The wife was beginning to have doubts about her husband, as she saw him and the protagonist confront each other in the house. But then when the protagonist escapes, and the husband runs after her, which should have made the wife doubt her husband even more.

no way. if a complete stranger appears at your house and tells you that your husband - who you've known and loved for years - was a psychopath and just a moment later this stranger kills your beloved husband, you would very likely suppress your doubts and rather consider the dubious stranger as the real threat, even if signs suggest the opposite.

nevertheless, still a poor movie...
