MovieChat Forums > Parked (2012) Discussion > The moral of the story is...

The moral of the story is...

...just wait 'til the system gives you something. Then everything works out.

Nice to see my tax money at work.

When darkness overcomes the heart, Lil' Slugger appears...




Little Korean, if you ever get to the point where you need help, others will pay for you. It's how socities operate when their people recognize that not all those who fall to the side are at fault for their condition or without others ways of contributing back to society. But I guess the actual realization of the movie, that even the person perceived as "lowest of the low" can make a change, I guess that was lost on you...


Little Korean doesn't have it in him to comprehend what you are saying. His kind are utterly incapable of caring about anyone but themselves. In the US, we call them Republicans.


I thought the film was OK. An Irish film without subtitles is tough to follow sometimes, but just so we are on the same page about this post:
I think the "evil" Republicans of which she/he speaks expect you to actually try and find work before you get welfare from the state. I know, I know, those cold, heartless bastards. Or maybe it is better our country went from 10 trillion in debt to 20 in 8 years? Everything is happy and groovy now, is it? Snide comments from liberals get old and can't go unchecked.


I concur. Republicans are evil. The Republican in this movie was the drug dealer who thinks of himself as an entrepreneur, but beats up his customer and sells him drugs on credit when he knows he cannot pay for them.


Once a Republicans retard, always a Republican retard.
