Thoughts on this film?

Just thought I'd post this since it opened last week in the US.

I think it's an enjoyable, if somewhat generic, action film, whose biggest asset is Kim Rossi Stuart's magnetic performance in the title role: he's got Vallanzasca's accent, his charisma and cockiness down pat. It almost feels like you're watching somebody else and yet he remains believable in every single scene. Sadly the screenplay doesn't give the characters that much depth and, while the supporting cast is fine, the actors are mostly wasted (especially Paz Vega and Moritz Bleibtreu). All in all, I would give it a 7/10 for the action scenes and the great leading performance.

Thoughts? What did you like/hate about it?


I was going to watch it on cable, but subtitles looked so damn small in preview they let you see, I decided to pass on it. Hope to catch it on DVD.



I agree with you but I find the comparison a bit unfair since those were basically 2 films and thus took more time to delve into the main character's psychology.



I thought Romanzo criminale was much better: aside from being more compelling and less repetitive, it focuses on a group of people and, unlike Vallanzasca, takes the time to draw the relationships between the characters. However Kim is better in the latter -- the MVP in Romanzo criminale is Pierfrancesco Favino.



Caught this on DVD---had no idea it had ever opened in the U.S. It does kind of zip through the first half, and then that's when it slows down and gives the other characters the space to reveal themselves---it's not just all about Vallanzasca anymore. And, yeah, it's defintely Rossi-Stuart's charismatic and lively lead performance that keeps it going, regardless of anything else. Has he ever tried to do any Hollywood films, because he'd be much better known if he had.
