The music?

I heard the theme and title music before...can't place it. Some brit series like a Downton abbey clone? Maybe a Titanic clone?


From this IMDB entry. IMDB usually includes information about the music, but you have to look for it. Note that Howard Shore, who does most of the music for David Cronenberg's films, worked on this one. HS is the man who did the music for LORD OF THE RINGS, among many other films.

Excerpts from Siegfried
by Richard Wagner, original publication by Schott Music GmbH & Co KG, Mainz, Germany, 1876.
Adapted by Howard Shore, published by South Fifth Avenue Publishing, 2010.

Fantasie aus Walküre
by Richard Wagner
Performed by Edison-Orchester Berlin
Under the direction of Max Büchner
Edison Goldguss-Walze 15278, Berlin 1905


Yes, I looked Howard Shore up. I know he composed some of the score for this movie, but ADAPTED a lot of other things.

I really hate when they re-use music for several different films/TV shows.

I can't tell if this is just something somebody else wrote and he adapted!

Anyhow thanks for the reply. It wasn't any of the classical pieces! It was just this one driven scene that suggested in my head a scene of people busy maintaining a big estate "below stairs". It was either Downton Abbey, one of the many Titanic series to have come out over the last decade, or something like that (perhaps one of the King George VI movies lately).

Oh well, one day I shall nail it unless by chance someone else here knows!


Howrd Shore works a lot. I've heard echoes of his LORD OF THE RINGS music in some of his other work. Maybe that's what you heard in this one? After all, any composer is proably bound to repeat some themes and passges if he writes enough. HS would probably be the first -- well, maybe the second -- to say that he's no Beethoven or Mahler.


For anyone at all well acquainted with Wagner, the music was like seeing a friend in new clothes.

cur. adv. vult
