Go to the little room

And she would get wet?


Sabina's young brain confused the physical discipline/abuse from her father into an early form of sexual connection (every child wants to be loved), which led to her adult masochism - her desire to be spanked or hit for sexual gratification.

How daddies treat their daughters is paramount to a little girl's healthy emotional and sexual growth. Supposedly this explains the gravitation to stripping and prostitution by many women that were abused or neglected by their father figures when so young and impressionable.

Child abuse sets up both women and men for a lifetime of struggle in different ways. Thankfully, the mental scars can be made to fade. That was the whole idea behind Sabina being treated for her "hysteria", fear, and lack of self-worth.

In real life, it worked...and Sabina went on to marry and have two daughters, while maintaining a successful career in psychology (noted contributions, including work in child attachment) before dying at the hands of the Nazis during WWII.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


well said
