American Beauty?

This movie reminds me of American Beauty, anyone else? Except without all the drama and more comedy ofc...


The same way frozen dinner reminds you of a gourmet meal?




Yeah, "American Beauty" was a pretty repulsive thing.

Nothing that "The Ref" didn't do first (and better).

Fox "News": We lie, you panic!


Well said. This movie was funny, and was intended to be. American Beauty wasn't funny at all, and wasn't intended to be.


?? American Beauty was hilarious.


Lester is one of the best film characters ever written. he is seriously hilarious.


it deals with similar issues but in a very different way. This film does not have the main character obsessed with an 18 year old friend of his daughter, but it does have many themes in common with American Beauty. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, this one a few more weaknesses, but up until the graduation speech is actually a very funny movie.

From American Beauty, I learned never to weight lift in a garage, ha ha.
RIGOLETTO: I'm denied that common human right, to weep.


They share some themes, but, honestly, I think I've watched American Beauty like 10 times and enjoyed more and more with each viewing; yeah, that's just some fĂșcking good film which is gonna be remembered for ages as an all-time classic.

On the other hand, while I liked Crazy Stupid Love, the script fell apart at the end, it got really stale, and boring.

