For Joby?

I am quite certain that would have made a more fitting title. It isn't that this is a bad film, it's not, but the writing, or Dano's performance - or a combination thereof - was just entirely unsympathetic. That is not to say that a film's protagonist necessarily even needs to be sympathetic, but it should at least be affecting, and there should be some sort of character arc, and Joby simply had neither. Dano was so sullen and one-note, and he stutters and whines (literally) his way through virtually the entire film, that it comes as a complete shock when he puts an entire sentence together. I will give the benefit of the doubt and assume this was intentional on the part of the actor/director, but I just found it grating and uninteresting.


I will give the benefit of the doubt and assume this was intentional on the part of the actor/director, but I just found it grating and uninteresting

I agree, I have no idea what he was trying to tell us with this film.
