This movie

I liked it... I found it quite different... and the lead up to how he lost his wife and being with random women and stuff. First, I thought it was cheating then I realised it was after his wife dies he did that.


I also liked the narrative structure.

The viewer's notions about who this man is--his actions, his motivations--are all a mystery and lead one to think he is a certain kind of man, until we finally see that it is all a product of grief.

Meeting and interacting with most people is like never know what someone is going through to make them behave the way they are.

I found the film very effective in this regard.


I saw this movie ages ago and I'm building up the courage to see it again. I still think about it a lot. It had me and my husband in tears. It just makes you cling onto those you love that much tighter. A stunning film and tour de force performance from Matthew Goode et al.
