LOved it!

I heard about this movie from a friend of mine, and am glad i did. I really enjoyed it so did the rest of my family. It kept us on the edge the whole time and not once thru the movie did we get bored enjoyed every second of it and would love to see a sequel to it!

I donot understand russia had to read subtitles and still loved it! wish i knew russian!


I agree with you. It is a great movie. It's nice to see a Russian movie with great FX!!!!!

Russian language is difficult, but I recommend you start learning it. It's amazing!



Hey i loved it too. but please don't use the words "Great FX".


Russian language is difficult?

From what I've seen half the words begin with something very similar to their English equivalent. It's pretty easy to understand (in a basic sense; I'm not talking fluency here)once you learn the alphabet.


Guess I was lucky. I saw the English dubbed version. :)


Hey what did you think of the dubbed version?


Well, it's been months now and it's no longer fresh in my memory, but I seem to recall that the dubbing was fairly seamless, and worked well. It certainly wasn't over-the-top or anything, like some of the really old, classic dubbed stuff we all love to make fun of, nor did it draw attention to itself, which was certainly good and helpful. Worked for me. :)


Really nice movie. The story is pratically a copy of spidermans but still great movie!


Yeah we thoguht it was fun but possibly more fun to predict every next step the movie was going to take and shouting out " NOOOOO UNCLE BENN!!!!!!!"


Even if you hate Uwe Boll, give Postal a try, be offended or entertained.


I like it too, worth my rating of 8, even 9. Nice to see Russian film industry makes such an entertaining movie. Keep on the good work.

Russian language is not hard to learn for it alphabet(letters) since they are regular to pronounce as I did learned it some 25 years ago for few weeks when Gorbachev was the USSR leader. I had learned this called "reconstruct" as perestoika(pere- equals to re-, -stoika to -struct).


I doupt u watched sam raimi's spiderman then. The similarities in the story were obvious.


People on here are spouting a bunch of bs, the Russian language is very difficult for foreigners. The alphabet is only a tiny fraction of learning Russian. Don't think that just because a couple of the letters are the same as they are in English that that means you know the Russian language.

Russian grammar is quite difficult. There's the case system, imperfective and perfective verbs, gerunds, participles, three genders, etc. Is it the hardest language, nah, but it's definitely not one of the easier ones.
