MovieChat Forums > The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) Discussion > Apple, Volvo, Marlboro Red, McDonalds, G...

Apple, Volvo, Marlboro Red, McDonalds, Google Product Placement

Did I forget anything? Im sorry guys but I havent seen so much product placement in a movie in a long time. Apple Computer, Volvo Cars, MARLBORO Red (why did he have to say that, a Mc Donalds Happy Meal...wait and we CLEARLY saw her taking a can of Coca Cola out of the fridge. Please tell me if I forgeot a product. Isnt that a bit too many products guys? Or is that normal nowadays?


I forgot to mention EPSON printers, and Sony Vaio , sorry


I don't know, was he supposed to just say give me a pack of cigarettes? Most people ask for a specific brand I would think. Volvos also happen to be common place over here (I'm in Denmark but it is of course a Swedish automobile), and other than Volvo (I drive a ford) we have or use every product you mentioned with the exception of the printer (ours is a HP)... So it doesn't look all that unnatural to me personally.

I actually find just as irritating or more so if everything is obviously "no name" plain wrap stuff. I never go to the store and buy a plain white can with just the name "Beer" on it, (which I have also seen in a movie).


Its called product placement rob, they get money for this from these companies, its not a coincidence, its a strategy, and you didnt explain the CLEARLY visible Happy meal from McDonalds 2 (!!!) times, the Coke can twice, and all these Apple products, and yes i cant remember any other movie where the brand of the cigarettes were mentioned, you tell me a movie where he sais give me pack of MARLBORO RED please. I cant think of any.


I know what it is and why it's there, I just don't find it distracting... Hell the books were full of product placement as well. McD's is on just about every corner over here too so nothing strange about Lisbeth eating a Happy Meal IMO (although in the books it was Billy's Pan Pizza she ate all the time IIRC... Don't remember if they showed that as well) :-).

As far as the smoking I don't pay that much attention to it although hasn't smoking been largely removed from American film and tv over the last 20 years or so? I know I've seen some Danish productions where someone ask for a name brand beer or cigarettes.

Slightly OT but I remember watching a kids show with my kids and the theme was "green" and at one point the host put a Green Tuborg beer on his piano and sang about that (I thought I'd seen everything till then... that kind of shocked me a little).


you tell me a movie where he sais give me pack of MARLBORO RED please. I cant think of any.
As I said in my other response I couldn't think of any, but because of this thread I'll probably be aware of cigarettes named by brand from now till the day I die.

Anyway, in Snowpiercer, a character pulls out a couple of smokes from a nondescript metal case and someone else says "Jesus, Marlboro Lights?"... and this in a post apocalyptic world where cigarettes have been extinct for 10 years ;).


American Horror Story (show, not movie. Idk how much of a stickler you are..)

Jessica Lange multiple times asks for PELL MELL cigarettes. One letter changed from PALL MALL

Needed caps..


PP doesn't bother me one bit. It's business, brings money to the production and if this money is used to bring something better on screen I don't have a problem with this at all.

It's just ridicilious to go for no name products or even more hilarious for fake brands like "Morleys" which clearly stand for Marlboros (called Marleys by some hard core smokers LOL)
Yeah, I want to see a laptop with a pear symbol.


It seems you guys really like advertisements, sorry for wasting your time, cheers.


Good ol' "Chewly's" gum in Clerks!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Martin drove a Land Rover.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Also, I believe that was a "Taylor Made" brand three iron Lisbeth used to crack Martin's skull.


So you've never bought a pack of cigarettes? If you don't specify what brand most people will ask you what you want.

Honestly the only placement I really noticed was the Happy Meals mostly because it's hilarious that Lisbeth eats HAPPPY meals.

"Edd, fetch me a block." - Jon Snow





It seems that these days, the majority of computers you see on TV and movies are Apple. They clearly push like crazy to keep their brand in the public eye.

And maybe that why we have to pay so much for Apple gear -- to compensate for all that product placement. 'Tis a thought.
