Still Waiting on a Damn Sequel!

STILL WAITING!!!! Why the hell haven't they done the others yet? Seriously?!
I remember reading that Rooney had signed up/signed a contract for the others and she had to bleach her eyebrows everytime and all that.

It's sad to think they probably aren't doing the others. Ugh.


Totally agree, don't get why not.


I thought I read that a sequel hit a big snag, because the first movie didn't make as much money as was expected.


i don't know what their problem is. they are STUPID to not proceed. yet some other crap is getting greenlighted and funded at this very minute no doubt.

Life is not a problem to be solved, it's a mystery to be lived... so live it!


Sony are too busy greenlighting sequels to movies that nobody really wants to see" cough cough " ,grown ups 2 , Paul blart 2 , I mean really ? We get those movies , and they can't get the girl who played with fire off the ground ?


so true. pisses me off.

Life is not a problem to be solved, it's a mystery to be lived... so live it!


Such bull. And how much are they paying the cast for that crap? I guess we only have ourselves to blame. Not you and me and probably the rest of this board, but 'us' as in the movie-going public who is paying to see Grown Ups 2.


I have no idea. I hope they make it soon because Played with Fire is my favorite book in the series.


It was mine too. Really sucks that Sony is (appears to be) dropping the ball on this one.


Like someone said, the movie didnt make as much money as expected, but also when sony got hacked apperantly delayed it all. Last i read is that its planned for 2016 and the last one 2018


you seriously read that? please dont tease me

where did you read it? can you share a link?


Life is not a problem to be solved, it's a mystery to be lived.


No kidding!! I've been patiently waiting! I'm dying to see the sequels!! I LOVED the first one!!


I would love a sequel it would be awesome to see the other films. Sadly I dont think one will ver happen.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I'd love a sequel but I wish it wasn't sony executives who produced. They really screwed dragon tattoo by opening it on Christmas.

I hope they're not thinking in rebooting. No Mara and No craig is a huge No no no. The two of them are perfect for the roles.


I recommend the books, some of the best i have ever read.


i am gonna read the book asap. i'm tired of waiting

"As the day hits the night, we will sit by candlelight. We will laugh, We will sing..."


I read the books. They are good but I skimmed through the Swedish financial nonsense that doesn't add much to the plot. If those chapters had been shortened and the zalachenko storyline on the third one reduced the trilogy would have been perfect. As they stand, they are very good but not perfect.


The books are very good. Especially the first two. I couldn't get through the third one though. I may have to go out and buy them again since a sequel movie is probably not going to happen. Sad because I really enjoyed Rooney Mara as Lisbeth. And Daniel Craig is awesome.
