MovieChat Forums > The Tillman Story (2010) Discussion > Was bouncer at Minder Binders were Pat ...

Was bouncer at Minder Binders were Pat use to go hang out!

I commend what he did(Pat) but I am telling everybody right now that this man was a jerk. Once again highest praises that can be giving, he left a dream job to go serve, which I never enlisted, but I love our troops, but when it came out that he was killed by his own Platoon myself and a few old co-workers instantly thought, that they did it on purpose. Pat would come in to Minder Binders of University and McClintock in Tempe and would just make are night's a living hell.
He would constantly challenge everybody's manhood and when we would finally get sick of it, the manager would step in and give him his food for free along with his drinks and everything else. He would always throw his feet up on the bar( He always wear's flipflops) and we would constantly ask to please take them off the Bar and then he would just start his crap.
Long story short he is a hero, and millions of praises go out to him, but I honestly don't believe the Government had anything to do with his death. I think someone just had enough of him. But please know I am not saying what he did should not be praised he is a hero( all troops are)but trust me if you met this man, with in a few minutes you would want to distance yourself from him because he is a 1st class jerk. And you will notice that it's hard to find any of his old teammate's really praise him,a couple of them have, but only a couple.


"I think someone just had enough of him". I gues the same people had had enough of the other soldiers killed by the same friendly fire. They wanted to wack Tillman so bad the had to kill some other soldiers as well.

You are a moron.


the only other person that got killed was an afghan soldier. there weren't any "some others".

And that story about Tillman being a jerk is being told all over the army. Not a lot of people are surprised about it.


I was thinking the guy was probably a jerk when they showed that hit he did on a receiver who was already on the ground, in a kneeling position. Tillman comes barreling in and does a full body slam on his head. Then the receiver kind of shakes his head as if to say, "what an a-hole"). I can believe they probably didn't have much trouble finding some guys in his platoon to do the dastardly deed.

Welcome to Costco, I love you...



Upon further review, I retract my previous post. It wasn't a late hit. I wonder if the bouncer's story is true though.

Welcome to Costco, I love you...


I've heard from a lot of different places the guy was a grade A jerk, yeah. I guess I'm not surprised, I was in the Infantry (Marines though not Army) and there was a sizable minority who were the "jackass jock from high school who likes this stuff because he gets to bully and harass others."


Pat may have been unconventional, but he was by no means a bully, as you so put it. He defended the weak and vulnerable. Whether he as a person was a "jerk" is also debatable, he went out of his way to treat everybody as an equal. Jerks don't do that. He was an nonconformist, so perhaps some people took that as being a jerk.



I read.



Both the below listed books write about how Pat defended the little guy and stood up for what he believed was just.

Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman by Jon Krakauer

Boots on the Ground by Dusk: My Tribute to Pat Tillman by Mary Tillman and Narda Zacchino


In addition to the books you've mentioned, there's the testimony of Bryan O'Neal in The Tillman Story, who said that Tillman took him under his wing and protected the (comparatively) smaller O'Neal from any barracks harassment.

As O'Neal pointed out (in the article linked below), "He never once degraded me. He's the only person I ever worked for who didn't degrade anyone. He wasn't that sort of person."

The article also makes it clear that "Soldiers and commanders who worked with Tillman have repeatedly testified that he was respected, admired and well-liked.",2933,291294,00.html



He just sounds like a total ass hole. Of course the military propaganda machine seizes upon this to make him out to be some sort of "hero". I don't think he was. He probably just wanted his 15 minutes of fame and sounds like he had some sort of deranged "tough guy" fantasy and wanted everybody to think what a big man he was. I've got news for you; he was a moron. Everybody who served in Iraq is just a dupe and a pawn in a false and illegal war that was orchestrated by corrupt politicians and their rich political backers. Bush was mislead into the war by false information provided to him by Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld. They wanted to invade Iraq to get defense stocks (that their political backers were heavily invested in) up. You see, after the Cold War ended all of the major defense company stocks plummetted (by 90%!!!). Rich families that are part of the industrial-military complex and who had much of their family's wealth in these stocks were caught. They needed a war to boost the stock prices again so they could sell out. They used Cheney and Rumsfeld to orchestrate that war. A year after the Irag war 80% of the USA's missle stockpiles had been depleted; thus they would need to replenshish them. This lead to the defense contractors stocks increasing 10x in value. The elite families that control our country were able to sell out and preserve their family wealth. Dick Cheney's former company (where he had been Vice-President) Haliburton was given fat contracts to "rebuild" Iraq. Basically they just rebuilt what the US Army destroyed. This was paid for with Iraqi oil money as "reparation payments". Cheney's friends all got rich as Haliburton stock reached an all-time high. Basically, dumb Bush was manipulated into the war so the rich fat cat families that own our politicians could make hundreds of millions. The war was a complete joke. There never were any "weapons of mass destruction". The country making those was North Korea, but the USA refused to invade them because there is no money to be made. Anyone who joins the US military is NOT a hero, just a dumb pawn in a rich man's game. As for this ass hole, I could care less that he's dead.


Ok you brainless dipstick? First you comment on female genitalia until it gets boring and now you think you know something about politics?

God you are the biggest waste of life ever.





I was a bouncer at the Cement Shoes Club when Jimmy Hoffa used to come in. What a jerk. Slip me a $20 and I'll tell you where he's buried.

"I write Stargate fan fiction so I think I know what I'm talki$2$0about..."
