MovieChat Forums > The Tillman Story (2010) Discussion > The Truth About The Iraq War

The Truth About The Iraq War

Of course the military propaganda machine seizes upon this story of Tillman to make him out to be some sort of "hero". I don't think he was. He probably just wanted his 15 minutes of fame and sounds like he had some sort of deranged "tough guy" fantasy and wanted everybody to think what a big man he was. I've got news for you; he was a moron. Everybody who served in Iraq is just a dupe and a pawn in a false and illegal war that was orchestrated by corrupt politicians and their rich political backers. Bush was mislead into the war by false information provided to him by Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld. They wanted to invade Iraq to get defense stocks (that their political backers were heavily invested in) up. You see, after the Cold War ended all of the major defense company stocks plummetted (by 90%!!!). Rich families that are part of the industrial-military complex and who had much of their family's wealth in these stocks were caught. They needed a war to boost the stock prices again so they could sell out. They used Cheney and Rumsfeld to orchestrate that war. A year after the Irag war 80% of the USA's missle stockpiles had been depleted; thus they would need to replenshish them. This lead to the defense contractors stocks increasing 10x in value. The elite families that control our country were able to sell out and preserve their family wealth. Dick Cheney's former company (where he had been Vice-President) Haliburton was given fat contracts to "rebuild" Iraq. Basically they just rebuilt what the US Army destroyed. This was paid for with Iraqi oil money as "reparation payments". Cheney's friends all got rich as Haliburton stock reached an all-time high. Basically, dumb Bush was manipulated into the war so the rich fat cat families that own our politicians could make hundreds of millions. After Bush figured it out, he relegated Cheney and Rumsfeld to the sidelines. The war was a complete joke. There never were any "weapons of mass destruction". The country that was openly trying to make atomic weapons to threaten the world with was North Korea, but the USA refused to invade them because there is no money to be made. Anyone who joins the US military is NOT a hero, just a dumb pawn in a rich man's game. As for this ass hole, I could care less that he's dead.


God your stupidity is amazing. I mean its bad enough you can't get laid and have to post endless drivel about female genitalia and now you think you actaully know something about foreign policy and real world events!


Perhaps it is you that is stupid. I don't agree with the poster about how he felt about Tillman but I agree that Iraq and all other wars are lies to profit the military industrial complex. I urge you to skip two hours of brain cell killing night time television and Google the movie, "Why We Fight". Perhaps, then you will know what the hell you're talking about.


Military industrial complex is a far broader reason for the war. It was an oil/territorial motivated war. Conservative links in the U.S had immense interest in that region to construct oil pipelines which were disallowed by the Taliban.


If you read up on US history you will find almost all our wars were motivated by corporate interests in expansionism and the acquisition of foreign natural resources.
