Is this any good

I haven't heard anything about this does anybody know if it is any good. It sounds good but the UFC produced films sound good but they are all total crap.


Yep. It is.

It's not your usual MMA/UFC type film.

The fights are quite realistic, the underlying story isn't bad, and whilst some of the acting is a bit "flat", on the whole it's done quite well.

Powered by caffeine, nicotine and sarcasm


Not my kind of film at all, and I didn't expect to like it. But apart from some crappy camera work and worse c rappy music I found it very watchable.

And Rudy Youngblood will be a shoo-in for a future Obama biopic.


The few parts I saw reminded me of Fight Club, only without any of the reasons to watch it twice. All I found enjoyable was the soundtrack. Van Damme used to make movies like this (paper thin plot and violence for the sake of violence) and look where he is. At least Fight Club had something to learn in it if you paid attention to the non-violent parts.


This is quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen, and that's a statement because I've seen some *beep* movies lol. The worst part is I like some of the actors so it was hard to see them in this POS


Just watched this movie last night on HBO. Had no interest in it, but I was with a friend and there was nothing else on. Plus, the description just screamed "terrible B-movie" that was sure to produce a few laughs are how astonishingly bad it is. I'm here to tell you, this isn't a "so bad it's good" film. This is a film that is so atrocious that it's hard to watch and tell yourself that people actually spent time and money on this kind of garbage. The story is something that a 10 year old could think of, the acting is cardboard and cringe-worthy, the fight scenes are painfully unrealistic and headache-inducing because of how terrible they are shot/edited, and I've heard children with autism produce better dialogue than what was written for this script. The cinematography is horrendous, as is the editing. Clearly this was edited by a 1st year film student who just took the "Editing For Dummies" class and discovered how to use slow motion, freeze frames, and fade outs, as this movie is riddled with all of them at totally unnecessary times. I swear to god, every scene ends with a fade out. Piss-poor filmmaking. The only thing more depressing than knowing this movie was green-lit, is the fact that there are people who actually enjoyed it. You people are making me lose faith in cinema.
