MovieChat Forums > Get the Gringo (2012) Discussion > Why did mel gibson use the name reginald...

Why did mel gibson use the name reginald t.barnes?

Why did he use that name? and what did the reginald t barnes do?



did not watch to end ?

he used that name to get trouble to his wife's ex, actually got him killed at end.


That was a dream.

But yes, that is why he used that name.

Gone too soon:
New Amsterdam
Prime Suspect


Yep it was the dream, but pretty sure that dream came reality after he used that name and got the big shot mad and to retaliate and kill his wife's new man :)


Maybe it was more ambiguous than I thought, but from where I was sitting he woke up on the beach after dreaming the guy got shot and his wife was screaming.

Gone too soon:
New Amsterdam
Prime Suspect


did Mel Gibson mention anything about the person that shot him in the dreams. Because on the last scene the guy that got him killed was the one from the ship company, and also he had injuries (when he blew up the office). Where as he mentioned that he has the same dream over and over, so he wouldn't of had them injuries in the dreams he usually has, making me think that it actually happened and he got his ex wifes boyfriend killed.

by the way, absolutely amazing film, and I am sick of people saying otherwise just because they don't like Mel Gibson.


It seemed apparent to me, given that Gibson had earlier mentioned a dream he keeps having involving his ex's new guy answering the door with milk dripping down his chin only to get shot, that he was merely invisioning the same thing but now with somebody in particular doing the killing.

The way the scene was filmed (it was rather comedically done, why would the boss be there at a murder?) and the way it ended with Gibson seemingly awaking from a dream/day dream, coupled with the fact it played out just as he imagined, made it appear to me as though it was just his ongoing daydream.

At the very least it was ambiguous, that scene didn't feel in keeping with the rest of the film.

Gone too soon:
New Amsterdam
Prime Suspect



You filled in a few holes in my own theory.

I missed where he mentioned his ex-wife's BF's name... so I wondered "why did he set that poor guy up?"


I didn't think it was supposed to be a dream when I viewed the film. I noticed that when Barnes opened the door to the hitmen, that he does bear a resemblence to Mel's character, especially from a distance as he is seen by Kaufman. Mel and JJ Perry, the actor playing Barnes, both have dark hair, prominent noses and high forehead/receding hairlines. I can easily see Kaufman being mistaken in his identification of him as the grenade thrower.

And I took his waking up on the beach with a smile on his face as either him having the dream once again, except knowing that this time it could be reality, having given Barnes' name to Kaufman, or maybe even some sort of "psychic" acknowledgement at the time of Barnes being shot that he made his dream about Barnes come true.

In either case, dream or not, I think the scene was added to the movie as a bit of comedy and Mel seeing the "loose ends" getting tied up. It works in that way whether dream or reality.


Sgu sucked.



it wasn't a dream. the barnes fellow was actually killed. mel gibson's character chose reginald t barnes's name because it was the guy who screwed him over, got him into the slammer and took his ex-wife.


yeah, they got him for real
also, mel was such a in this.


It was a dream. At the end of the scene Mel's character wakes up in the hammock, shaking his head as the screams from the dream fade away. He mentioned this reoccurring revenge/murder dream in the scene where he has a beer with the kid's mom. Reginald T. Barnes ratted out Mel's character in the past, then shacked up with is wife while Mel's character was in prison.

Another indication of it being a dream was the pairing of Frank's thugs with the shipbuilding executive. The shipbuilding exec was a businessman with no connection to Frank. If he did have enforcers, why would they have the same cowboy style? Dream.


No it was just the way it tied together, this film isn't deep or anything like that, that bit was just showing how all his dreams came true, showing is was the shipping guy is just another way the film tied together nicely, now nobody is coming after him.

To Die Trying Is To Be Remembered As A Failure


Oh dear...the scene we saw at the end was clearly a dream. It's no question. They show Mel waking up right after that, plus the scene played out exactly as he said it always does in his dreams.

So, while that scene was definitely just a dream, of course the guy could still get killed, with Mel having used his name. But they actually left that open.


I though what he reported as a dream was what he intended to happen to the guy who got him sent to jail and married his wife. And that using that name and some of the things he did were planned to make the dream come true.


Porter is back!!!! I watched Payback again and it has the same tattoo in the arm, his is Porter.



Porter has a USMC tattoo... not a US Army one, so it aint porter this time round


He used the name of his ex-partner, figuring he might get that guy in trouble that way.

But he didn't really, it was just a dream.


Reginald T Barnes is just some guy who looks like him. Lol.


Bob Gunton (the boss) was here for the killing so he certainly did see that the guy killed WAS NOT the guy who mugged him (Mel Gibson). So even if Barnes was killed and Mel's dream came true Gunton KNEW the killers didn't get the REAL man who bombed his office.


I took it both ways. I believe Reginald T. Barnes did suffer in the end. Although it did not have to happen exactly as in Mel's dream.
That would be too much ))


Yea he used RTB's name on some form, but the killing was a dream. So, in reality, they would be looking for Barnes should something awry.

"Meet me in Montauk." ~ Clem, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
