Payback 2 -- finally!

Porter is back! can't wait


That is exactly the vibe I was getting when I just watched the trailer.


no it's not just a vibe -- it is literally the sequel to Payback. that's Porter. people around here don't seem to get that lol



it's been reported as such by various websites over time. but it's pretty obvious to anyone paying attention.

-- mel gibson is doing the porter voice/narration -- exact same tone/delivery
-- mel gibson's a criminal driver
-- mel gibson's a pickpocket
-- the parallel of thugs beating him up in a chair and destroying/removing two toes, which were smashed by kris kristofferson's goons in the non-director's cut version of payback

in other words, it's payback 2.



good grief you guys are acting like this is my opinion lol. IT IS THE SEQUEL TO PAYBACK... it was originally titled "How I Spent My Summer Vacation"



There's a lot of evidence to suggest this is in fact Payback 2. Was this an issue of he didn't have rights to the character so he just made a movie about the character where he's never named? Anyhow, i'm in, can't wait to see it.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


okay mea culpa -- in spite of what i'd read on the internet, and the obvious connection in the trailer, it's not an "offical" sequel. but it does appear to be one spiritually, at least, so it's the same difference. except he's not porter, he's just an unnamed driver. which is what porter was lol.

anyway, for all intents and purposes it IS payback 2, which is all that matters. it's just that the first film was paramount/warner, and this is fox.


Mel is Sly as a Fox! I love the picture of him on Google declaring that "Get The Gringo" will air on Satellite TV as of May 1, 2012(May Day)! He's standing in front of a poster with the viewable words "Help Haiti...". Ah, Help Hate? Anyone Out There? Mel is beginning to resemble Hannibal Lecter in that picture. He's an Actor, By God! Love The Guy! He's just Human like the rest of US! I'm a recovering addict, so I totally relate. All the money in the world doesn't mean Jack! We all end up Jacks In A Box! Take Care. Phil.(Thanks for allowing me to Phil-A-Buster). Yeah! I Love Mel's Goofy Sense Of Humor, Too!



Um, Mel Gibson is American. He was born in Peekskill, New York.





You're placing far too much emphasis on a birthplace. Mel Gibson is an Australian, it's just a fact. He was in the bloody Sullivans for *beep* sake. You can't get much more Aussie than that.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


In the movie, they ask him his name, and he says "Richard Johnson", so there goes the un-named driver aspect. :/

On the good side, it is available today on DVD/BluRay and on demand. I'll be picking up a copy tomorrow, if there's any left. Payback was a GREAT movie, and I've been waiting a long time for a sequel...


That was clearly an alias, Richard Johnson, aka Dick Dick.


In the movie, they ask him his name, and he says "Richard Johnson", so there goes the un-named driver aspect. :/

I hope you're joking. Not trying to be touchy about this but it was pretty clear that "Richard Johnson" was a joke (both words are a slang for something in US). It was one of several names Mel's character used and this one was used to make it clear that he was not going to say anything about himself to the American official.


Yeah and the internet is right about everything and tells no lies. Where is the confirmation FROM THE PRODUCERS AND MEL GIBSON.
On the small possibility that this is a sequel, where is what's her name? Love of his life and he makes no mention of her. Dude deal with it its NOT a sequel to Payback


Get The Gringo is no more the sequel to Payback than Casino was the sequel to Good Fellas.

'Then' and 'than' are completely different words and have completely different meanings.


Cant wait!!

Big Movie & TV Show Fan


I can't wait either. this really does look like a sequel to Payback.

After money that was stolen from him, that he stole from someone else.
The toes
The narration
The fact that Mel plays a bad guy

Looks awesome

My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!


Can't wait!!!


And its on torrents, well this movie is gonna get pirated to hell. Too bad looks awesome


Porter is back!
Is this actually true? Or is this just very wishful thinking because the character is a little similar?

They dont have to call him Porter if this is a legal issue, but I would love to know if its supposed to be him.

People on blogs speculating isn't really proof. But many of the posts here make it sure sound feasible.

Hell, I'll watch it with Porter as the lead and see where it goes. Payback was great. Not the DC, that sucked. The one Mel ended up releasing against the directors wishes



It could work as a sequel. In most of this he is very Porter-like except for 2 things I can think of off the top of my head.
1. There was a scene where he begs for his life. Not very Porter like, but you can say he was just acting like he was scared.
2. He was formerly married in this movie. I haven't seen Payback in a while, so I forget if Porter was married (I think his wife was killed?) but that would contradict the continuity in this movie if you treat it as a straight sequel.

Either way, you view this movie, it's pretty damn good. Almost makes you forget how shiathouse rat crazy Mel can be at times!



Yes Porter was married, so that lands

It is a shame he went so bat ass crazy and racist. Brilliant filmmaker. But I can avoid thinking about that for a couple of hours

The idea it can work as a sequel is actually good enough. Be nice to hear folks call him Porter, but what can you do. I'm going to watch them back to back when I get the time.


Agreed, a lot of celebrities are crazy. Plus the media spins the stories so we don't get the truth most of the time... and we shouldn't care what these people do outside of the movies.

I was at Best Buy the other day, and I didn't care what the cashier did outside of Best Buy... movies SHOULD be like that... but for some reason people obsess over their personal lives.

Just enjoy the movies, the rest is none of our business.

World War 2 Movie timeline - The List!


I'm midway through it right now and I've seen at least 5 references to Payback.

They were FORCED to make a few changes though.

In Payback, Porter is an ex-Marine, here he is an Ex-Army Ranger Sniper (and he was back when they were taught to make up stories about their targets, something that is legendary for *beep* snipers up, both Marine Recon-that's what my dad was-and Army Rangers)

He acts and talks just like porter. When he spoke of his wife betraying him for a business associate that basically solidified this is "Payback 2" though Get the Gringo is a far better title, imo


I know you guys want it to be the sequel to Payback bu its not sorry it may have alot of references to payback but its not


I think you're right, but if you ignore just a few continuity issues, you can treat it as a proper sequel. Pretty decent movie either way.



IMO it's better than Payback.


I like Payback a little better. This was surprisingly good too though.


It isn't a sequel at all it's simply a similar film
Bloody hell man the scene at the end is his wife and his ex partner who ripped him off clearly not val or his wife from payback


Well clearly not... since they died during the plot of Payback, silly.

He could've had another wife and another partner since then though - just for argument's sake.


It's silly to want this to be a sequel to a film when it isn't
I still really enjoyed it though


But.. now.. IF the wife had been Maria Bello from Payback.. you could argue the point... I can definitely see the similarities.. and like some people have said you can treat this as a SPIRITUAL sequel to Payback.. much like War, Inc. can be viewed as a spiritual followup to Grosse Point Blank..


Yeah...but that's just a dream we don't know if that really happened or not


Just watched it he is playing porter there even a massive hint where he goes to the a shop and theres a massive sign outside saying PORT MART.


Right before he robs that guy in the bathroom, he says something like, "Time to do what I do best. And besides, I'm out of cigarettes." THIS IS PROOF! Payback sequel!!!


its not a sequel you have got to be kidding me!!!

Payback is wayyyy wayyy wayyy better and I saw it a lot and I didn't think it was porter...

So this movie started pretty good but only for half the movie, then it went downhill...

You may think that its porter mainly for the fact that Gibson doesn't really try to act and does his porter style of acting but this is not Porter, its just Gibson not being creative enough...


I understand this is not an official sequel... but it is so close to being a sequel it is either one, or a complete rip-off which ruins the movie.

Bruce Willis gets some flak for always playing tough cops in movies... but here we have Gibson playing a career criminal/driver, who is ex-military, acts identical, looks identical and even has the same film-noir/comedy narrative following him around.

There are scenes directly out of Payback, like "out of cigarrettes" and when he rips people off by walking into them, and ending up with their wallet/wad of cash.

If it is not a sequel, it is a brutal rip off of his own character...

As far as I'm concerned it is a sequel... but for some reason I enjoy connecting movies into the same universes when possible...

World War 2 Movie timeline - The List!
