Kid smoking ?

It's not ok with me to let a kid smoke. Ever.


OMG! you know it's not a documentary, right?

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


I also don't like smoking, but i know the boy didn't smoke real smokes.


Smoking? Yes, we all know smoking is bad, not just for kids. But the idea of people having sex in pup tents in the street while kids are walking by is not good either. Of course, I know this film is all fictional. But the writers have portrayed Mexicans as the lowest of scum in this film. Most of the people in this film were totally void of morals and humanity. I mean I have never been to Mexico, but I am sure it is not completely like this movie depicts.


It wasn't depicting Mexico but a fictional Mexican prison! You are the one pushing it


Many of the film's sympathetic characters were Mexican. The boy and his mother, for instance.

"Let them pass that law and they'll have you in chains with a number burned into your forehead!"


Its called reality. Its not ok for women and children to be in a mens prison either but thats also reality. You are judging mexico by other countries PC attitudes


Another dumb self righteous Yank on about some kid smoking. Who cares stop trying to preach and shame people with your holier than thou attitude.


Yeah, little kids should be holding a smoking Uzi instead.


This is the sort of attitute that's ruining film making. Stick a cuban cigar in the kids mouth for all I care, just get the damn scene.


Smoking and its taxes are the only thing keeping the American Politicians from further raping the American Taxpayer.... if it was really bad it would be illegal. Freaking Hypocrites and their Anti Smoking Policies. (not you, the government).

don't look here, the jokes between your ears


IT IS really bad. It's only legal because of the enormous amount of money the industr makes, rendering i highly profitable to corporations and governments. It is legal because of its tax revenue. It is legal because so many people are hooked, if they try to make it illegal there would be fierce opposition from at least a third of the population. It is legal because, if labeled illegal, trafficking would skyrocket, just as it happened with alcohol and as it happens with other drugs.


Yet you say nothing about the same kid being beaten and his mom being raped? Nice priorities there. Who cares if he smokes? There are worse things kids are doing everyday. Maybe a cigarette would calm them down some.


well its ok with me and i overrule you so go stick a cigarette up your self-righteous ass i hate you ....It's not ok with me to let use a computer. Ever.
