Hollywood is pathetic

Has Hollywood really not gotten over Mel's rants? Did they even watch his film to see if it was good enough for a wide release?

I know the guy said things that he shouldn't have but can you seriously tell me that the majority of people in Hollywood don't say things as bad or considerably worse on a daily basis? From my experience working in the industry the past 6 years, I can tell you that what he did is mild in comparison a lot of things I have heard.

Mel is an amazing talent and if the powers that be wouldn't act like a bunch of whiners and let bygones be bygones then he could be a huge moneymaker for them. God knows we could use another talented filmmaker/actor out there to give us something amidst the garbage that Hollywood keeps spewing out.

For a society who seems so hell bent on preaching tolerance they seem to be pretty eager to do all they can to destroy Mel's career because he said some regrettable things while -DRUNK- half a decade ago. Can we get please get someone else to take over Hollywood please?



What he has uttered is mild compared to my own parents, who are more subtle and insinuating but have said things just as racist. Mel got caught with his pants down...some other celebrity will get caught too.

Films are not reality. Reality is not film. Film is only an approximation of reality.


Roman Polanski, Walt Disney, and Robert Downey Jr all make Mel Gibson look like a saint. Seriously, Roman date-raped a 13 year old girl and is still a fugitive of the US. Walt Disney was extremely anti-semitic and racist and treated a lot of his employees like total crap. You can even see some of his racist attitudes in very early Walt Disney cartoons/illustrations, particularly WW2 propaganda he did.

Robert Downey Jr just did not give a *beep* at all about the general public's safety all those times he went on coke rages in public, speeding, etc.

In fact, Mel Gibson helped get Robert back onto his feet and get his career going again.

Does anybody else NOT see the hypocrisy here in Hollywood? All Mel did was have some meltdowns--he didn't hurt anybody and NEVER said anything like that before. Why should we care about his personal life? It's none of our business. If Roman Polanski can rape little girls and get away with it (and still win an oscar), Mel Gibson should be allowed to continue on with his career and have some privacy for once.


You're right about the hypocrisy but Mel did the one thing you can never, ever, do:

He bit the hand that fed him.

"There is no Hollywood any more, there's just a bunch of banks"


Isn't that what Israel always does with the US?

Mel has used hi own money to do lot of stuff. Most film makers are Jewish but they abuse their positions to make propaganda movies.


"Roman Polanski, Walt Disney, and Robert Downey Jr all make Mel Gibson look like a saint. Seriously, Roman date-raped a 13 year old girl and is still a fugitive of the US."

Did you know that Polanski actually served the time he was sentenced to for the crime, and that the system released him early because it decided that was no threat? Or that Polanski actually served more time than others were receiving for the same sort of crimes back in the 1970s. Or that Polanski left because the Judge had announced that he was going to reject a properly negotiated plea agreement, after Polanski had served his time? Or that even the Prosecutor wanted the Judge removed from the case, because of his unprofessional manner?

Well, maybe you did know that. But in my experience, most people who bring Polanski up do not.


Those are all interesting facts. All that aside, Roman Polanski still had sex with a 13-year-old girl...



Everything else you said is irrelevant.

It blows my mind that people still defend this piece of human garbage.


I've always said that if you love a celebritie's films or music then you shouldn't take a peep at their personal lives. The films or music they make are as close as we are going to get and the sane people want to get. Entertainment is what it's all about. You don't like their movies, music then fine. You don't watch it. But if you do then enjoy the hell out of it and stay far away from all these TMZ type shows that is just pure trash. No value for me. I've watched Mel since Mad Max and he's rarely let me down. When the Passion came out, it was all about politics. He couldn't get a movie studio that was big to distribute the film Theatrically so Icon did the deed. Once Fox saw the money it made then they gladly distributed it on DVD/VHS. Pretty hypocritical but that's $$ for ya.

People have said the key thing in this thread and that is they have heard worse in their own families coming out of their pie holes. If you are so absorbed in to these gossip celebritiy shows then grow thicker skin. If you're a die hard religious or political extremist then separate the entertainment from the man. You should appreciate him for his work. Mel doesn't need Hollywood and if you check the charts, most Hollywood films recoup their losses when their films are released on DVD/Blu-ray. I found this movie on Netflix and boy was I glad I did!! To wrap it up, yes Hollywood is pathetic. But Mel wins in the end.


Everything a celebrity does is scrutinized. What they're wearing, what they eat, who they're sleeping with, what they talk about amongst their family and friends. And that's because we the viewer put them on an impossible pedistal of perfection until they of course let us down and then we treat them like something you dig out of your ear. Give me a break. It's an utter joke to expect someone to go their entire life without screwing up once or twice or 500 times. We're humans after all, not brain dead machines.


He didn't rape anyone. It was completely voluntary. He may have violated a law, but he didn't force her to have sex.




Amen. It's time to let go.


"Can we get please get someone else to take over Hollywood please?"



Of course Hollywood is about making money. Who said it isn't?

It's not like Hollywood is on his side. This is the point. The idea is if you're seen with the kid being bullied, you'll get bullied too. So those who WANT to make money aren't going to be seen with him either. This is called influence.





Robert Rodriguez is the sane kind of mexican american to cast him as the main villain in his hit machete series.... You;ll be seeing mel around don't worry hun.


He wanted the notoriety Mel could give the movie. If someone needs someone who'll give their movie notoriety, they'll pick up the phone and call Mel's agent. Oh yeah, that's right. Mel still doesn't have an agent because no one wants to represent a loser.


You people that are saying Mel isn't worth money and that is why Hollywood didn't allow the film to be shown here. For starters it made its budget back in Russia alone. And everywhere else it showed just added to it.

The truth of the matter is that Mel is worth money and Hollywood was still butthurt over his rants and didn't want him to make money in America. The movie was shown in a number of places and still made a decent amount of money.

Hollywood didn't like him. They could care less if the American people wanted to see his movie. They were being selfish and that is all there is to it. Its not that the American people haven't forgiven Mel. Its that Hollywood hasn't.

The numbers prove his movie would have made money here and I am willing to bet it would have made more than 20 million, which is what the estimated budget was. Because unlike Hollywood, the American people or enough of them know how to let things go that really didn't concern them.



Mel Gibson was being blacklisted before the drunken rant incident. It all started when he defied the Hollywood elite by making Passion of The Christ.The fact that it was a big success I'm sure pissed them off all the more.


The stuff he said to his GF is borderline psychotic. Yeah, life tests our tolerances and limits but nuts is nuts.


Ironically enough this movie was shown in theaters in Israel...


Some things cannot be explained. The democrat party is BLATANTLY anti-Israel but the Jews keep voting for 'em.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
