Dylan O'Brien

If its a fact that Dylan O'Brien is gonna be missing for most of the season then i think it'll be a huge loss to the final season, personally i only watch the show for stiles. I know the situation couldn't be helped with DOB's injury but im hoping we get more then what the news is telling us. Its the final season and Scott/Stiles/Lydia should all have the attention.


I agree Stiles makes the show. The season looks terrible with them forgetting Stiles. Hopefully it's just 5A he's absent from and in all of 5B


You mean 6A and 6B? ;)


He's filming AA now, so I don't think he's going to be able to be in 6b at all tbh. It's gonna suck to have the show end without him when he's been there since the beginning. It's been Scott and Stiles since the 1st episode.
