Perfect Time To End

They're isn't much more they could of done with the show. After watching the trailer it comes as no surprise with the story they've chosen. Making stiles the main focus for Scott malia and Lydia is clever so they all have a goal for the season.
With Kira gone and Scott losing every fight he has i cant see any way they could recover his character or his alpha status.
Malia not been a love interest for stiles anymore leaves her with no purpose
I guess Lydia/Stiles is the only thing Lydia has going for her, the thing she had going with Parrish was just awful and Parrish in general doesn't do anythin for me.
I liked Liam in season 4 but Season 5 liam reminded me of season 1/2 Scott where he was so winey and cringey about the girl.
Teen Wolf will always be one of my favorite's & Stiles is my all time favourite character but im so glad they're ending after this season. Fingers crossed we get plenty of DOB and they stories keep us entertained.


To defend Liam, I'm pretty sure the writers intentionally made him moon after Hayden so much because they wanted to draw a parallel to Scott in the early seasons with Alison.
If anything, Malia not being Stiles's love interest gives her more purpose. The storylines she will have won't revolve around him so her character will actually be able to develop. In season 4 her development was either a joke or related to Stiles.


No. It's because they wanted to turn them into Scott and Allison. Just like they tried to do with all the new wannabes. They basically made them weaker copies of the originals only problem is they all sucked hense why the show in now finishing. Similar to the new glee cast change. The old cast is moving on and jeff knows that the new cast can't carry the show on their own.


I don't see any purpose for Malia at all tho, even the angle with her mother came back to do with Stiles. Her character hasn't been important enough for her to get her own story/arc on the show.
I like liam in his scenes with stiles and Scott but the Scott/liam similarities with there girlfriends does him no justice. Season 1&2 make me cringe when i see how whiney Scott was and they repeated that with Lian in 5. So the less attention there relationships get will be better in my opinion.


I think giving Stiles a love interest was a good idea, it just should've been Lydia instead of Malia. I think Liam should've been a guest star instead of a main cast character and Hayden should've been killed off. But just like many of Jeff's creative decisions with the show since Alison's death, I don't think the show could top the brilliance of earlier seasons. The quality has been on a steady decline and the storytelling has been more about shirtless boys versus actual great stories.

Jeff knows his audience and he knows that young, pretty actors are an MTV staple. I don't think he could the original cast/stories anymore, so he padded the cast with that type and it's killed the show.

Say it before and I'll say it again, I don't see a reason for Theo to return other than he'll be shirtless more often than not.

Don't come for me unless I send for you.


I think giving Stiles another love interest other than Lydia was a good idea because then he had a chance to mature in the romance department, leading into a more mature relationship with Lydia.
With that said however, it really sucked that Malia was cast in the bg as the love interest. It seems that even after the break up the writers were struggling to give her a real story and it showed. I don't think they thought far ahead when it came to Malia. She was the girlfriend slash Hale were-coyote, as though they were giving her so much potential yet did nothing with it.
Liam &a Hayden, I can't really comment on that since I usually skip all their scenes. Idk, there's just something about them that doesn't clip with me. Making them another Scott & Allison 2.0 really went against them because why do we have to see another rehash of season 1? We've been there and done that, they should've been given more interesting personalities/storylines, anything different that we haven't seen before bc they're just boring and redundant and add nothing exciting to the show.
I actually enjoy Mason. He has potential to be a great character except they keep typecasting him as the comic sidekick.
This is the final season so I'm hoping they can finally show so of Lydia's powers. I know banshees are pretty much screamers, but they also exist in so different mythologies having differing powers and stories so it would be nice if they have her a little more agency. Lydia's a great character, they just need her to her being involved a little, and not as a tortured damsel or a rehab councilor for Parrish.
Parrish, I don't care about. Peter, unless he's being tied into the Hale family with Malia, I don't understand how the hell he is still on the show.
I haven't seen much of Theo to decide if he has any potential yet.


Say it before and I'll say it again, I don't see a reason for Theo to return other than he'll be shirtless more often than not.

If the writers don't spoil it (and they will), Theo has the potential to be one of the most interesting and complex characters in the whole series.
Theo was (ab)used by the Dread Doctors, enslaved, was made their minion, their experiment, he tried to break free, to get stronger, but having grown up as an experiment, serving the Doctors, he only learned the language of violence and taking what he wants. He shows us what a destroyed childhood can affect a young supernatural.
The Theo story could be about overcoming a terrible childhood, a terrible past, how it is to become a supernatural when you're a child, how it is to rise, to get greedy, to fall and to get punished, about revenge and forgiving, about finding friends, about resocialisation and redemption, about how to approach those who you betrayed, about healing wounds.
No reason for Theo to return? If done right, they could go full into meaningful, deep stories around humanity, getting along with sudden power and what it means to be a true alpha when dealing with former enemies, forgiving them, integrating them. That's more potential like any of the other characters. There's only no reason to bring him back if you decide willingly to completely ignore the amazing possibilities the character offers.

But yeah, in the end you will be right. Probably the writers will bring him back, get over his childhood in 3 sentences, get over his time in hell in one scene, making him another sidekick of Scott in 1 episode and kill him in the end of S6A after 4 or 5 episodes. Wouldn't be the first character with tremendous potential they let go down the drain.


Personally i am more drawn to stalia them too had some great scenes and seemed to work well together. Lydia has a thing with every male member on the show so for her to end up with stiles the goofy dude who loved her years but she had flings with loads of dudes knowing this doesn't sit well with me, whereas malia killed her mother to protect him. I think Lydia doesn't need a love interest they should focus more on her powers and not the next dude she's gonna kiss.
Scott having no love interest is a good thing that dude cannot hold down a bird or win a fight so the less i see of scott the better.
Stiles i hope becomes a cop and stays in Beacon Hills.
Mason i agree is hilarious, the show should focus on mason and lian instead of liam and Hayden.

Who else thinks stiles got cockier and darker when he grew hair, season 3 he has longer hair and a bladder attitude. He's awesome.

Im okay with peter being back, him and stiles have great scenes together.
& Theo shouldn't come back i think they did all they needed to with Theo in season 5. Season 6 is the final season. It should focus on the original main characters and see the story finishes good instead of wasting time on the newbies.
Also Parrish needs to pack up and leave he's a worse actor than Posey and that's saying something.

Season 6 should be for Scott Stiles & Lydia. And Deaton/Sherrif/Melissa should have more screen time than Theo & Hayden.


Personally I don't care about Stalia and Stydia but they're obviously going the Stydia route so there's no point in changing that.
Judging by the opening of S6 they released which has 75% of Layden, I have a feeling they'll be using Liam and Hayden more.


I don't care for a Stiles and Lydia pairing. They're friends and it's like she's his sister. It's not a good pairing. As for Theo, who cares. Just as long as he and Brett take their shirts off at least once in every episode. Stiles should become a deputy. Scott should become a vet. Liam should break up with boring what's her name. Hooden? Heeden? Whatever. Malia? Who cares. Lydia? Marry her off to Mark Zuckerberg.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.


Yeah...I only care about Lyda so...


his sister?!

when was that? Stiles has NEVER seen Lydia as a sister. he's always aware of her as a girl.

lots of people have wanted stydia from the begining but for me it's more recent. i actually would like for their friendship to evolve into romance. they're good as friends but now i think they'd be great as a couple. While before i don't think lydia respected him, she now does. and she's matured quite a bit too. so...

let's hope the writters don't ruin that.

if stiles dies sacrificing himself to save lydia's life, i'm gonna go to america and spank the writers!

Who needs a signature?!


I liked Lydia being single this season..for the first 3 seasons she always had a guy at her hip..she got more "action" than anyone like them to focus more on her powers like s5 did.
I hated the opening scene with Liam and hayden..I hope not all their scenes are like that..haydens acting is beyond terrible. She reminds me of s1 scott (acting wise). I love stalia..dont get me wtong i rooted for stydia for 3 seasons but all the teasing drove me man i got over it as soon as malia was much as I love malia I agree that s4 revolved around she has her mothers powers so I hope they touch on that and what has changed for her. I hope Derek comes back. I would also like to see Danny and the coach. As for the hell did he escape skin walkers? If they try to redeem him its only cuz that's what fans might want. I don't think someone who was 10 years old and watched his sister die could be redeemed..but hey this is TW and he's hott so he's gotta be a good guy right? Lol
