The direction...

The direction in this show is so bad. It's cheesy and cringe-worthy and it's been so downhill. At least the actors can save it. The dialogue wasn't too bad this season premiere though, so I hope they do the last season some justice.


I don't recall dialogue ever having been the problem, but its downhill has, in my opinion, been caused by

1) from season four onwards, failure deliver satisfying endings for their respective storylines, introducing subplots that lead nowhere.

2) losing too many cast members abruptly, especially those who contributed greatly to the excellent chemistry the cast had with each other.

3) introducing characters that don't work, and keeping them on the show regardless.

4) said characters take away screentime from the original characters, probably because the writers feel like they don't have enough material for them anymore.


It's the last season so who cares. What you have now is what you have.
