oh the dog's :)

I just watched the episode with the couple who lived in the 200 year old house, with the twins and the two Yorkies. First I would like to say that, these people seemed like very nice people and I'm sure loved their two children very much. And yes, I realize this show on Animal Planet and that they are showcasing hautings and how they are effecting the animals of the families. I also completely understand that people love their pets dearly, and how painful and scary it would be to see them go through these types of things.

But at the end of the episode the lady said something about how she is afraid the entity will return, and does not want to think about it. She said it like, "I just don't want anything to happen to my dogs....or my kids."

I just thought this was funny. The dogs before the children. I know she didn't mean it like that, but it came out this way.


the pets seemed to be more effected than the children, so it is understandable.


Ha ha ha!!! That made me laugh. :)


No, its not understandable xD
