Redneck metaphors

The Ron guy rattles off redneck metaphors so fast I think he must practice them in front of a mirror, or better yet in a dress rehearsal, before the show. My favorites tonight were, "Bobby was madder than a 3-legged cat at a dog pound", and "Bobby and I are tighter than a frog's butt".

I've been wondering if If he can go an entire show without saying one, just to see if it can be done, but then that would cut down too much on his redneck metaphors per hour ratio.

Anyone else have a favorite?


I love Ron's metaphors!
I just saw one last night, he was yelling at a guy and said, "You know what the problem is, there are too many freaks and not enough freak shows!"
I have a couple of friends from down south and they do rattle off the metaphors that quick. Did you know that there is more than one way to cook a squirrel?
That was a popular one with them.


yeah, with all the scripting they could come up with better lines but then it is kinda precious lol...boy you got diarrhea of the intellect


What ever. There needs to be a book on this to laugh my ass off in the bathroom.

To keep people busy.


There is a book with the Ronnie-isms. Check out the website for Lizard Lick Towing....


Thicker than a city-boy with concrete up his ass.


Metaphors=drinking game!
"Eric, Eric Stratton, Rush Chairman, DAMM glad to meet ya!"


Why do all Americans say "Y'all"? How come they are very violent towards each other and threaten their neighbors with firearms?


Lol! I love the metaphors,lol

Certain people on imdb STINK!
