MovieChat Forums > The Sing-Off (2009) Discussion > The reason for cancellation...try to tel...

The reason for cancellation...try to tell me I'm wrong on this

The problem is NOT the number of groups, judges, format, or any other items you can come up with. The show didn't make it because acappella is not a hot music genre. PERIOD. It's the same reason you don't see "next broadway star" or competitions like that. Idol and XFactor are there to produce the next Nicki Minaj, Mariah Carey, or Daughtry. (Phil Phillips not included in this rant).

If it's not auto-tuned, overly edited, over produced garbage it no longer appeals to much of society and that's why the ratings aren't very good. It's sad, but no-one really appreciates a good harmony these days. Truly sad.

I want this show to continue as there are so many acappella groups out there that deserve to be showcased, but sadly it probably won't happen.

As a sidenote - Many people think/thought Glee was going to revive acapella, which I also thought would be true during the first season. When their original version of "Don't Stop Believing" was creating a buzz it seemed like this could put acapella at least back on the radar of the general population. But then Glee introduced backing tracks and all the other stuff that we hear on the radio everyday and it was just like listening to the radio.


You hit the nail on the head. That plus the fact that The Voice was more popular. I think NBC wanted to give their attention to that show.


Probably right. But it's so disappointing. This was a real talent show. Great judges, great contestants, everybody serious about music.

It was a also great filler for a period where regular shows were on hiatus. Too bad NBC made this decision. They make a lot of bad decisions.

There's something here that doesn't make sense. Let's go and poke it with a stick.-Doctor Who


The Voice is terrible. I'm sorry but it is. The "battle round" is probably the worst thing I've ever seen on a music show. Judges are awful as well. Don't get me wrong, it can do good things for artists trying to get their name out there, but it's not awesome in any respect.

I know season 1 winner Javier, played golf with him a few times, and while it got his name out there, it didn't "change his life" like the show claims it will.

Somewhere down the line, we will probably see something similar to the Sing Off (hopefully without Nick Lachey). I hope it takes off.



The Voice is terrible. I'm sorry but it is. The "battle round" is probably the worst thing I've ever seen on a music show.
Word. Battle round is such a stupid idea. For one thing, different people singing the same song together is about ensemble. To "battle" within a medium that by definition and by design requires togetherness is the stupidest thing. Plus, if the two singers can't sing the same thing in the same song which will have different parts that are more or less compelling to one listener or another, such a "battle" is fairly meaningless.

But yeah the average listener is too stupid musically to be able to appreciate something like The Sing-Off. It's just the way it is. And like someone else posted, I was surprised it went three seasons before getting cancelled. I'm thrilled to hear the latest groups with this fourth season, though.


Yeah, and they did a confusing battle round last night which I thought was a little bizarre considering the spirit of the show is more synergy and mutual appreciation and I wasn't sure there was much for a judge to go off of.

I think music is a really random thing-- what hits or what misses-- and Voice just happened to have better ratings so they went with that. It's not any sort of rocket science. I don't begrudge The Voice even though I liked Sing-Off a little better.
Twitter @okonh0wp


Acapella was always sort of a niche market. To be honest I was surprised it lasted 3 seasons. The title was basically meaningless as well. It was always a whole bunch of college groups and they'd throw one or two groups in that were comprised of 50+ year olds singing old fashioned barber shop arrangements.

It was fairly obvious last season the producers had huge influence on how the groups performed, pushing the more attractive singers to the forefront rather than letting the groups give the solos to their best singers. I'd have to go back and rewatch it, but I remember one group in particular last year had one amazing singer, but because she wasn't the most attractive of the group she never got as much solo time after a certain point as one of the more attractive women in the group.


¿Can you remember which group were you talking about?

Please, excuse my English.


I really liked the idea of an acappella singing competition. The groups that competed were really good, too. There was just something off about the show. I can't put my finger on it. I thought maybe in the first season it was because it was given a very short run during the Christmas season, but I felt it when watching season two as well. What it is, I don't know. Maybe it's chemistry between the judges? No, I'm not sure that's it. I say bring it back with some kind of revamp (maybe make it an actual live show like other singing competition shows).


I'm glad Sarah was on the third season. I loved when she'd say something and it didn't always agree with Ben or Shawn. I also hope that they bring this show back even if it's revamped or shortened to just a couple of months. I mean, this season of The Voice was just disappointing to me. The artists I actually enjoyed didn't even make it past the knockouts :/

Well, Pitch Perfect seemed to do pretty well. And Pentatonix is getting so much exposure performing at the AMA pre-show and on Jay Leno.


I'm pretty sure if a capella wasn't popular, then Glee wouldn't be one of the number 1 watched shows in America.


Glee is no longer "acaepella." It started that way and quickly changed. It still has a few moments that meet acapella standards, but for the most part their arrangements are now using a lot of instrumentation.

I'm not saying the show is bad or anything, but it's just not how it was when it started. Episode 1 with the ending of Don't Stop Believin was true acapella. It has since gone to more "mainstream" instrumentation.


OK, this is a little off topic, I never missed an episode of the "sing off" but I just discovered "Pitch Perfect" and I've watched it at least a dozen times in the past month. It takes acapella to a level I never knew existed and I can't get enough! and guess what? One of the girls from the sing off is in the movie!

Buy the dvd at your own danger. It's addictive, dangerous to your enjoyment of any other music, you could miss work. You've been warned!!


OK, this is a little off topic, I never missed an episode of the "sing off" but I just discovered "Pitch Perfect" and I've watched it at least a dozen times in the past month. It takes acapella to a level I never knew existed and I can't get enough! and guess what? One of the girls from the sing off is in the movie!

Duh! Why do you think NBC revived the show now? You think it's just a coincidence that Universal (parent company of NBC) produced Pitch Perfect?

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Um, hate to burst your bubble but Glee was never a capella in the first place. It wasn't what the show was about; it was about a high school glee club/show choir, not necessarily an a capella group.
Their version of Don't Stop Believin had musical instruments in the background; don't be fooled by the "da da da" parts. The only time the show truly embraced the a capella genre was the Blaine/Dalton Academy scenes. Just wanted to point that out.

That being said, so glad to have the show back!


A little while back I actually did go back and watch season 1 and noticed that my original post was incorrect in regards to Glee and acapella. I didn't update it as the thread wasn't really picking up traction anyway, but you're 100% correct imdbaddict1.


For those of you who don't know, the Sing-Off will be back with season 4 in December.


Thank you for telling me this saffronangel. It gives me something to look forward to this December.


You are wrong.
