No Stand Outs

In the first few seasons there were groups that stood out right away (nota, committed, street corner symphany, pentatonix).

So far nobody is jumping out as the group to beat.


For me, Home Free has been pretty solid right out of the gate.


Ok. I spoke a few minutes too soon. Ten just made a statement.


Vocal Rush and Street Corner Renaissance are also really good.


Oooops. Filharmonic was hot too. Ten & Filharmonic are the early frontrunners.


I loved their performance. Where's my Montel Jordan CD at? lol!


I feel like this season is way weaker than season 3. Any of the top five teams from last season would easily win this season. It's not that any of them are bad but I still haven't seen a performance that makes me want to hear more or re-watch.


I kind of agree. The final 3 (4) this year are pretty good, but up until this week, I haven't felt the groups had the stand out quality of a lot of groups in previous seasons. I loved Pentatonix last season, and the Dartmouth Aires for their fun. Still enjoying this season though.


I was clicking with Voice Play right out of the gate, but Shawn started harping on them not doing the ending of "Don't You Forget About Me" the way he wanted (how about you try clapping while you hold a mic, Shawn?), & that was it for them.
