Who's In Your Top 3?

IMO Home Free, Filharmonic and VoicePlay are the front runners. The AcoUstiKats are also slowly growing on me.


I agree with Home Free and Filharmonic. Can't really see a clear third so far.



I liked Street Corner Renaissance and Filharmonic. Couldn't believe they had to battle it out tonight.

You don't need a million dollars to do nothing,man.Take a look at my cousin:he's broke,don't do *beep*


I unfortunately missed tonight's episode! I can't believe those 2 groups battled. Wow. Hopefully I can catch a replay on VOD.


I know, I was shocked that the other two groups were saved over them, I was hoping they were going to say they made a mistake and Nick announced the wrong teams or something.


Were their performances that bad? I'm still trying to process!


They all suck except Ten and Vocal Rush. VoicePlay is alright but sounds too much like a boys band with a female front but then since you like Home Free and Filharmonic, I guess you're into the boys band thing.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Actually I don't like boy bands, I just happen to like these particular groups!

Voice Rush was great last night. They are starting to grow on me.


Vocal Rush, Home Free, Filharmonic.

Genius can't be expressed in 100 chars or less.


I go with Home Free, Vocal Rush, and Ten

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


Looks like the judges agreed with my assessment.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


Yep you were right!

Each week the groups are getting better so it will be interesting to see who wins.
