MovieChat Forums > Meteor Apocalypse (2010) Discussion > WOW. Thoughts about Meteor Apocalypse [S...

WOW. Thoughts about Meteor Apocalypse [Spoilers]


This movie was DUMB. The acting was HORRIBLE. Especially Cooper Harris, who played Lynn. Did anyone else noticed how she moved when she ran? It was AWKWARD. Many things that happened in the movie felt random and didn't make sense AT ALL. Every scene in this movie was so bad I almost puked my brain out.

Do you remember the scene when Lynn passed out on the parking lot and two guys with rifles came and David was hiding and then all of a sudden two fbi-agents storm in out of nowhere? WHAT WAS THAT. SERIOUSLY, WHAT WAS THAT. WHY?. WHERE DID THEY COME FROM. WHAT DID THEY WANT. WHYYYY

And the scene with chasing ATV'S? WTF? So, within 2 days of the impacts we already have organized ATV gangs roaming the cities? With water spies and machine guns? OMG. OH GOD WHY OH GOD. That whole sequence was THRASH.

Poor visual effects.
Dumb plot.
Shallow characters.
Garbage acting.
Nothing makes any sense at all.

Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Avoid this movie. Or watch it when you are stoned and focus at how Cooper Harris moves when she is running.


Personaly I thought Cooper Harris bod was the best thing about the movie,everything else I had to seriously dumb down and pretend I was a vegetable to even watch it.


i was about to watch online but thanks for the heads up!

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy



Just watched this on Scyfy and it was one of the worst movies I've seen.

We go from the main character getting a phone call from his dying workmate to his family being put into isolation in the space of 10 minutes.

Everything seemed to happen so fast and there was little clarity about the story.

Avoid this piece of rubbish.
