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Live Blog on Golden Globes (spoilers included)

Ricky was very funny and I read an interview where he said he thought it was pointless to thank God, your wife, your family, etc. as really it's you who did it.
Favorites: The Angelie Jolie joke, the plastic surgery joke, the Jay Leno joke, and the Office joke.

Then Monique thanks God right away.

Who watches "United States of Tara"?

Sir Paul sounded like a pompous, self-important idiot. Shooing away a camera person like they were a fly, and thinking his dated joke about animation being liked only by adults who take drugs was funny only to him and apparently Julia Roberts.

O.k. Ricky was funny again.

What is wrong w/Felicity Huffman? Has she been huffing or is she drunk? Probably neither, but talk about weird.

Whose skeletor? Or, dracula? Scary.....

Yay, that awkward moment is over.

Nope, it continued with Jane talking about Alec gawking at her boobs while filming 30 Rock.

I hope, well I was going to say John Hamm for the globe, but Dexter wins, which is fine as I love the show. I wish the dude didn't have cancer as he's a great actor. That sucks and I feel like crying now :(

I'm torn. Love Glen, Anna, pretty much all of them. Juliana wins! Yeah! Unexpected but she's so good in the role. What a comeback!

Harrison "WAKE UP!" You are live, baby. How is he going to make it for his next Indiana J. movie?

Love George! Loved the film! Take the award George....

Thank you Ricky... Roasting Sir Paul who seemed to not know where he is. Maybe he's the drug taking adult who likes animated films.

Who saw Nine?

BTW, I know the people who like United States of Tara are out there. I just don't know anyone who watches it.

Whose the guy w/the sunglasses? Does he have an eye problem? O.k. they are off and he can see just fine. An affectation perhaps?

Awkward pause. Boring music stuff about best original music score. Like the Single Man score so far. And, Where the Wild Things Are. It went to who? I bet it's Avatar..., No it's Up. Yawn.

Oh, this dude mentions "family": A Ricky no-no.

Who dressed Amy Adams? Mildred Pierce?

Heard Little Dorrit was a snore. Gray Gardens wins! My sister will be thrilled. Although I'm not looking forward to another round of Little Edie imitations.

Spanx makes it's way up the Golden Globe stairs. Nice cuff that glitters a lot. Oh, it's the lady who played Jackie "O". Boring prepared speech. Yes, please make it stop orchestra.

Where's little Edie? Shut up Drew Barrymore brunette sister.

Yes, please boo her.

Anyone notice Jay up right in the front. Thanks for screwing Conan, Jay. What happened? Hanks did a bad joke. Mr. Popular just did a big bomb. Oops.

Why does Meryl (although I love her as an actress) always have to prescript emotion and spontaneity? What is she talking about? Someone styled her great. Her best look yet!

Helen looks great. How old is she? 50?

Zoey is lovely!

I'm rooting for Kevin, but Brendan will win.

Let's here it for....


Drew wins. That does indeed mean another few weeks of little Edie. I'll call my sister now and 100% sure she does her little Edie impression.

Allrighty! Jason wins, major validation!

I love Haneke! And, can hardly wait to see this film. Release it already on DVD.

Hey, he hardly got two words out when they did the orchestra thing. What's up w/that?

Like Zach and Amy. My guess on best TV drama will be Dexter... Just cause. But, would love Mad Men, or True Blood.

Right now...

Awesome. Loved this season.

I can't believe they can't give a speech. The red head looks great and Fred's wife looks really pretty. Please, no orchestra. Like the beard on Hamm, John Gault anyone? What's up w/Pete?

BSA in a Mini
Not too fond of Jane just because she ripped off a waiter. Suprise, Chloe! Wow. I thought the Lynch would win. She's too obsessed w/the dress. She complained on the Red Carpet about her dress and rain. She sounds pretentious and what's with the oddball gasps. Remind me not to watch "Big Love"

Yeah. Ricky takes a swig of beer. He looks fed up with the crowd. Why don't they get his humor? TFF. The clean cat, with the paw that keeps her clean.

Halle get another dress ASAP. We all knew this guy would win, the Deutche. Shame on you Golden Globes. What about Woody?

Ironic, they reward the Nazi killer and don't reward the person who has to deal with the message of death our own service people have to convey.

Leo still looks like a baby face. However, loved him in The Departed. Love Martin. Like this music to Martin's homage. I've heard this music before. King of Comedy an alltime fav. He didn't do that film w/Martin Short and Terry Garr did he? I loved that film. After Hours. Yes. Frankly, his wry humor films with dark, sardonic untertones have served him best. However, The Departed was great.

He was also pretty FF in "Curb".

Martin just mentioned "The Red Shoes" one of my top ten films. Anyone who loves "The Red Shoes" has to be a friend.

Notice Keith has a frown line, Nicole doesn't? Is he reading off a teleprompter like "O"? Enough w/the teleprompters. Drew did a funny w/her boyfriend and he laughed and she looked away. I bet it was not so nice.

Gross. Avatar wins for best director. Sorry, I just don't get it. Plus, it sounds like music from Titanic. Then, he has to bring his ex-wife into it to rub her face into the fact she didn't win. O.k. issues still there.

I'd stab my eardrums after five minutes listening to this guy in real life. He reminds me of Steve Martin's in Baby Mamma. "Thanks to the 'Spouses'" and then he makes a big point of saying how his current wife is so much greater than the second one who he is up against in this particular award? What a D**** and insensitive creep for all of his "new age" talking points.

Go "Modern Family" or "Glee" or "30 Rock".

Yeah! Glee!

Could Bradley C. be more in love w/himself. No, it's not a question. Reese looks good. But, there is a slightly angry look in her eye. I wonder if they cut him off w/the orchestra music? Let's see shall we...

It's 7:28 p.m. (he thanks a family member), o.k. we should be hearing the music by now, oh, he finished on time.

Love Downey winning. He was great in TT and now this. Another comeback, or maybe ressurection would be better. He's cool, a good actor, and now that life has beaten the crap out of him, pretty sexy.

I knew the same old role of the broken down loser who is redeemed would win. It's the award winning formula and they keep rewarding the loser, never the winner, never the reformed loser who becomes a winner, never the winner who wakes up and thinks I need to rethink. That's why we are losing our edge. And, it's a ripoff to George. I love that the guy who is not redeemed, Ryan in Up in the Air, isn't redeemed, pretty much how real life works, and they still want to pretend this romanticized version of loserdom wins.

What is Jeff talking about? Cha Cha? A dog? Where is the orchestra? If we are playing fair here. Please don't let him win, only to prevent a repeat of that crappy speech that didn't make any sense.

O.k. Analysis:

The Best Part:
Ricky G.
Good Wife win for J
Skeletor just because it was funny
Gray Gardens (Drew, my sister will be so happy!)
Kevin B.
Dexter and Michael C. Hall
Meryl, not because she won, but because for the first time she looked great in a fashion ensemble at an award show

Worst Part:
Jay Leno
Skeletor just because he freaked me out
James Cameron because he couldn't stop himself from digging at his ex-wife, and he's a new age p**** because it's made him rich, not because this guy has been living the life for years
Sir Paul because he's annoying and is really taking the "Sir" thing really too seriously(remember it's not a monarchy anymore)\
Harrison Ford - a flash back to "Who am I and Why am I here?"
Jeff Bridges and Cha Cha
Amy Adams: Please don't dress like you are finding clothes for a 50 year old in the 1940 dowdy bin at Salvation Army

